Granny wen's house

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wei ying and lan zhan stood in front of granny wen's doorstep, bracing themselves. An elderly woman with very few teeth, but a bright, welcoming smile opened the door.

"Xiao-yunze, my child. You were this big when I saw you the last time." Granny wen pulled Lan zhan in a bone crushing hug, wei ying chuckled behind his sleeve.

"You're very pretty girl Lian'er." Granny wen said, caressing wei ying's cheeks, a mother's touch after such a long time, left tears in the corners of his eyes.

"Lian'er my dear, I've heard that you're just like my xiao-Fan. You'll love her company." Granny wen said. "I will for sure." wei ying said, not understanding what the old woman meant by someone like him, maybe another jiang disciple? (Wei ying was asleep, so he is unaware of the plan.)

The three walked in, granny's house wasn't very big or luxurious, but it was enough for a joint family to live comfortably.

"I missed the days, when a-xing, xiu'er and chun'er were still kids running around the house from dusk to dawn. They're only memories now." Granny said with misty eyes and a trembling voice.

Wei ying didn't know how to react, so he ended up hugging the elderly woman. "But now you'er here, even if for a few days, this house won't be empty." Granny smiled softly.

"Lian'er, I'll show you your room, you can rest if you wish or meet xiao-fan as you like." granny said showing them their room. Lan zhan kept their stuff on the bed and started to arrange their clothes in the closet as soon as granny left. "I'll do it." Wei ying said. "I'm doing it, you should rest." Lan zhan said, "You have only slept for 4 hours in 2 days! " wei ying said, emphasizing on '4 hours'.

''Mn, only if a-ying accompanies me." Lan zhan said, "I'll have to help granny in the kitchen, that's how peasant women act. Wen qian told me." Wei ying said, "A-ying can help tomorrow." Lan zhan said pulling wei ying against his chest and holding him tightly by his waist.

"Okay, you win." wei ying said, removing his shoes and dismantling his bun. He gently removed the jade earrings from his hurting ears and applied some ointment on the piercing. later he applied his favorite moisturizer(the one that smelt like butter and cinnamon).

when he was finally ready for the bed, the sight in front of him was enough to cause many sleepless nights. In front of him stood Lan wangji, the second lan jade, completely shirtless.

It's not like wei ying hasn't seen lan zhan shirtless before, but the thought of sleeping in the same bed with him, made wei ying shiver.

A strange sensation filled his stomach. "You're going to sleep like this?" Wei ying asked. "Mn, too hot." Lan zhan replied. "Oh ok" wei ying stuttered, turning to the other side.

But lan zhan, that cruel man, pulled wei ying to himself, lacing their fingers together. "Rest well." Lan zhan said, placing a soft kiss on the back of wei ying's neck. The lan fell asleep as quickly as wei ying had expected from a sleep deprived man.

Wei ying should be asleep too, but slumber was not an option for him, when his back was against Lan zhan's bare chest. While the lan's heavily muscled arms held him by his waist.

Lan zhan's usual sandalwood scent mixed with musk did terrible things to him. Forget about defeating wens or returning home, all he wanted to do was lick lan zhan's chest.

In the end, wei ying ended up burring his head in Lan zhan's chest and forcing himself to sleep.


When he woke up, it was noon already. Lan zhan was still asleep. " my big bunny." Wei ying chuckled, gently cupping the lan's face, only to find it hotter than expected. Wei ying touched his forehead once again, arriving on the conclusion that his fujun had exerted himself to a high fever.

Wei ying rushed towards the well, to fetch a pail of water. Later, he placed cold water strips on Lan zhan's head, covering him to neck in blankets.

"Wei ying-" Lan zhan mumbled, exhaustion clear in his voice. "Sleep, I'll bring congee for you." wei ying said, stroking his lan's cheek.

Wei ying rushed to the kitchen, to find granny and her niece chatting idly while peeling carrots.

"Fan'er meet Lian'er, she is Yunze's wife." Granny introduces wei ying to her niece. "It's nice to meet you lian-jie." a-fan smiled, he now understood the meaning of granny refering a-fan as someone like him, the masculine tone of a-fan's voice made him realize. "It's my pleasure, fan-mei." Wei ying greeted.

"Lian-jie you look worried, is there anything we can help you with?" a-fan asked sweetly. "My fujun is down with fever, some medicines and congee will do." Wei ying replied.

"Let's go to Sui-dage's house, he is the best cook in the world!" Tang fan squealed, "We've congee at home." granny wen reprimanded, a-fan's face fell.

"But sui-dage's ginger pickles are the best." a-fan face lit up as she argued, "He sent a jar for us this week." Granny's tone felt more teasing than reprimanding, a-fan's face fell once again.

"But I think we're out of some barley-malt tea-" a-fan didn't even wait for granny to finish, before running towards sui-da ge's house.

Both wei ying and granny wen burst in a fit of laughter, "Young love." granny wen chuckled.

"Come in lian'er, I'll give you some congee." wei ying followed granny inside the kitchen.

"Ginger pickle and some barley-malt tea for your fujun and some pork jiaozi for you, you already skipped lunch. " granny wen said, handing wei ying a tray full of food. "Thank you granny." wei ying said, walking out of the kitchen, but something very small hugged her leg, "a-yuan, let go of Lian-jiejie ." granny wen said, lifting yuan up.

"a-yuan wants to play with pretty jiejie." a-yuan ordered, pointing his chubby finger at wei ying. "I'll play with you, only if you wake the sleeping gege up." wei ying said playfully. a-yuan rushed to the room, where Lan zhan slept.

" gege! wake up, pretty-jiejie will play with me if you do!" a-yuan said holding lan zhan's face in his chubby little hands.

Wei ying's heart swell with love from the sight in front of him.

"Looks like it got better now." Wei ying said, passing spiritual energy to Lan zhan. "Did you eat?" lan zhan asked. "I've brought my lunch as well." wei ying replied.

"Feed me." Lan zhan demanded like a whiny baby, nuzzling his head against wei ying's chest, the latter patted his head as if patting a kitten

. "aww, bao'er. Are we a baby now?" Wei ying cooed. "Mn, a-ying's baby." Lan zhan grumbled.

"Now be a good boy and open up." wei ying said, feeding lan zhan a spoonful of congee. "Pretty-jiejie! feed a-yuan!" yuan ordered, "Of course my little raddish." wei ying said, feeding a small piece of jiaozi to the child.

"I'll do the dishes now, by the time I'll be back, I want you both asleep." Wei ying said, as he left with the dishes.

A-yuan ran after him. Though, Lan zhan was feeling better now, yet exhaustion took over him once again and the second jade fell asleep.

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