Who is Wen Qian?

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"You insolent child! How dare you disrespect your elder?" Wen qian yelled at Lan zhan. "Where is my wife?" Lan zhan asked, unsheathing bichen.

"You ungrateful brat! Do you think that I stole your wife? Maybe she grew some brains and found someone more well-mannered. Anyway, who would even marry an insolent child like you?" Wen qian yelled, almost spitting blood.

"How dare you talk to my fujun like this?" Wei ying glared at wen qian. "At first I thought that this fujun of yours would be a noble man, but I was disappointed when he spoke to the way he did." Wen qian said, disbelief clear in voice.

"He was just worried about me." Wei ying tried to explain. "Wen-ayi, he didn't mean to disrespect you, he was just worried. After what we've been through together-" Wei ying was cut in by wen qian's question, "What happened to you?" Wei ying couldn't figure out why, but she could sense worry in wen qian's voice.

"When we eloped our families tried to kill us, to save their honor." Wei ying weaved the most believable story she could.

"I don't know about your family girl, but your husband's aunt and brother would've accepted you with open arms, his aunt would've gladly accepted you as her niece-in-law." Wen Qian said flipping her hair back.

"What should we do now?" Wei ying asked Lan zhan, "My aunt eloped with a notorious hooligan." Lan zhan took the charge, wei ying facepalmed. Somehow making wen qian look more offended and disappointed.

"Spewing lies again you brat! How dare you stain her reputation! Does her noble-scholar for a husband looks like a hooligan to you?" Wen qian shouted at Lan zhan, wei ying face palmed again.

"Would you call a man who only reads eroticas a scholar? " Lan zhan tried to keep up with his point.

"Her husband is the chief healer from a prominent clan!" Wen qian yelled at the man in front of her.

"And you! keep your husband in check!" Wen qian said, pointing a finger at wei ying, which reminded her of Lan Qiren.

"I'm sorry Wen-ayi, would you please come in?we can talk it out." Wei ying said, not thinking that the angered woman would be interested in coming in or talking anything out.

"Only because I need to teach this brat some manners." Wen qian said, walking angrily inside granny's house

'Screwed up big time!' Wei ying thought facepalming once again.

At the table sat Wen qian and Lan zhan casting cold Lan glares at each other, 'wen qian is not a lan, but why is she so good at those lan glares? Nope she's too loud for a lan.' Wei ying thought.

"Wen-ayi, would you like some tea?" Wei ying asked, "Call me yima child, your mother was like a sister to me." Wen qian said, lightly slapping wei ying's wrist.

'F@#k this woman knows Bai xiaolian too, we're so dead' Wei ying thought. "Qian-yima, which tea would you like?" Wei ying asked, trying to get away from the situation.

"Olong will do." Wen Qian replied with an almost motherly smile.

"You were such a well mannered child before, unlike your wife. But now, look at you disrespecting your elders, never in my wildest dreams I believed that there would be a day where I would find your wife more respectful than you, brat." Wen qian said, as if lamenting over her carefully cultivated golden cabbage which have been stolen by a pig.

"I saw you hurt her before, the ear piercing, you purposefully overheated it, to cause her pain." Lan zhan replied genuinely.

"I know that I was wrong, judging her by her first impression. I should've given her a chance, to explain herself. You were your aunt's carefully cultivated golden child, someone she raised as her own baby. When I saw you elope with her, I thought about your aunt. She always thought of your wife as a playful, immature child, unfit to be your wife. She was wrong, she judged too quickly, she failed to see her as a kind, loyal and loving woman she is. " Wen qian said, dabbing her eyes with her handkerchief.

"She lost every right to judge xiaolian after she ran away with that hooligan." Lan zhan said, as if trying to prove a point.

"You brat!" Wen qian said hitting lan zhan's head. "Were you always like this?" Wen qian asked, "Mn, my aunt was too strict, so I had to suppress this side of me, but now I feel free." Lan zhan said, thinking about his uncle.

"Are you going back home?" Wen qian asked, "I'm afraid that they would cage xiolian as they did with my mother. I stopped thinking of that place as my home since my mother died. Everyone was too eager to put a 6 year old who had just lost his mother on a pedestal, where no warmth could ever reach him. Defeated, he built unbreakable ice walls around himself, believing that the sun rays hate him, but one day the sun herself melted his walls and made him a human again. " Lan zhan said, tears welling up in his eyes.

"If you were me, would you dare go back to the darkness, to hand over the light of your life and perish with it? Or Would you escape to live your life with the person you love?" Lan zhan said, with a dry huff.

"I'm so sorry, I thought that if I transformed you into an ideal person, who doesn't make any mistakes, I would save you from the fate my brother and father suffered, by falling in love with the wrong person, who ended up ruining their lives, but now I know how wrong I was, ever since I fell in love myself. Love hadn't destroyed their lives, people like I had." Wen qian said, breaking into a sob.

"It's alright, we're all human, we're bound to make mistakes. It's alright you didn't do anything, it served her right in the end, she eloped with a street thug." Lan zhan said trying to console wen qian, who left out a wet chuckle at his last sentence.

"Yima, what happed? Did he say something mean?" Wei ying rushed towards wen qian, handing lan zhan the tray. She hugged the crying woman and rubbed soothing circles over her back. "shh, it's okay, everything's going to be fine." Wei ying kept on chanting in a soft voice, eventually calming the elderly woman.

"I'm so sorry child, I should have treated you as my own child, but all I did was judge you harshly. I'll make it up to you." Wen qian said, cupping wei ying's face.

"It's alright, I don't blame you, most people have a bad opinion about me. You don't have to apologize." Wei ying said softly. "Would you like some you youtiao?" Wei ying asked as if asking a-yuan. wen qian nodded, "Be a good boy and serve yima some tea." Wei ying scolded as if scolding a child.

Lan zhan and wen qian drank their teas silently, till wei ying came back with youtiao and sweetened milk.

Lan zhan looked shocked at wei ying's cooking progress. "They're from sui-da ge's place." Wei ying whispered, Lan zhan sighed in relief and took a bite of the deliciously crunchy snack.

"It is delicious, thank you for the snack." Wen qian said, taking a small bite of the youtiao in front of her. Earning a bright smile from wei ying.

"Qian'er , a-rong is searching for you, take A-yun and lian'er with you too, he'll be happy to meet them." Granny wen came in. "Maybe another time Ru-jie, thank you for taking care of my children for me." Wen qian left, after handing wei ying a coin purse.

"A little crazy that one is, but she love you a lot A-yun." Granny wen smiled knowingly at Lan zhan.

"A-fan, can you stop spending all of your day dreaming about Sui baihu and help this poor old woman?" granny wen teased, "Let her be granny, I'll help you." Wei ying said, folding up her sleeves. "I can cook for us." Lan zhan offered. "Aiya! Two good cooks for son in laws! Looks like this old woman will die of gluttony " Granny wen teased. Wei ying laughed, Lan zhan blushed.

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