Extra 2 :Xu-yima and bing'er

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After having a hearty lunch, the small family walked through a nearby ally, to a small, still under-construction building. There was nothing special about the building, except that it housed homeless cut-sleeves.

Yan Lixue, being one of them. Yan Lixue and Li yinyu,  the two girls had decided to run away from an unwanted marriage. They had met each other on the road, during an unexpected night-hunt, near gusu.

Where they had met Lan Xichen, the sect leader had extended a helping hand gladly towards the two girls.

The lan clan accepted them and had funded their noble cause of building a shelter for homeless cut-sleeves and people with a different soul.

As the time had passed, Lan zhan, wei ying and most importantly a-yuan, had grown fond of the couple, especially Yan Lixue, his Xu-yima.

Bing'er came into this equation much later, bing'er was a 6 months old child Yinyu had found cruelly thrown in a garbage pit, only because the child was intersex.

Being a healer Yinyu had treated the child's wounds, but they were too late to secure his motility and brain fuctioning.

Though the child might live for a few more years, but there is no guarantee that he will have a healthy body or mind, but to them it didn't matter, as they had already proclaimed him as their son.

They were determined to love and care for the child as long as he lives. Lan zhan and wei ying visited often with a-yuan, bringing plenty of gifts and candies for bing'er with them

"How's work A-xu?" Wei ying said, hugging Lixue and handing her a small basket of Lan clan's business quality loquats and dryfruits.

"A-Yu, is out to see her patients, she won't be back till dinner, she wanted to play with xiao-yuan so badly. " Lixue said, caressing a-yuan's cheeks fondly.

"It's alright, give her a hug for a-yuan's mama and a-yuan." Wei ying said, smiling brightly.

"How is Bing'er? " Lan zhan asked. "I'll bring him out, you guys can sit in the living room." Yan Lixue said. Yuan ran after her.

A knock was heard as Wei ying was about to take another sip of her tea, "I'll see." Lan zhan got up to open the door.

He opened the door, only to be greeted by a very angry yao-zhongzu and his disciples.

"As expected, the mis-guider of the youth is right here!" Sect leader yao yelled at Lan zhan.

"How dare you!-" Wei wuxian was cut in by yao sect leader, "You wretched being, a man who is shameless enough to dress like a woman!  who is very adamant on leading our youths on the wrong path! " Sect leader yao hissed.

"You insulted the second lady of lan, there will be consequences." Lan zhan threatened.

"Second lady of lan? the very clan that you've defected from?" Sect leader yao sniggered , "For your kind information yao zhogzu, we're still a part of the main lan family, Lan zhan defected only to curb the backlash his brother received from venomous snakes like you. Soon, Hanguang-jun will ascendant to the position of the Lan clan's sect leader." Wei ying glared.

"Looks like the currrent lan zhongzhu(Lan Xichen) is powerless against the righteous cultivation clan." Yao sect leader taunted. Wei ying was ready to unsheathe suibian, but was stopped by Lan zhan's gaze. 

"Because at that time the Lan clan or it's allies were rebuilding homes as they had suffered losses due to participating in the war, unlike some clans who were coward and greedy enough to lick Wen Rouhan's boots and hide in a hole to escape the war. " Wei ying snapped back.

"You!" Sect leader yao was about to attack wei ying, but wei ying was already expecting it and ducked.

"Father!" Yan Lixue, who was apparently Yao Lixue came running towards the scene, "Hanguang-jun, Lan-er-furen, I apologize on my father's behalf. " Yao Lixue apologized the couple.

"A-yuan take bing'er in and play with him." Wei ying said, her son obeyed.

"Lixue! How could you do this to me!" Yao-zhongzu thundered. "I was not happy with the alliance." His daughter confessed.

"You have no say in the sect matters! you've to obey my orders! the alliance would've benefitted yao clan so much! Bloody pigeon-brained women!" Yao sect leader cursed.

"I defect from the yao clan!" Yao Lixue announced her defection.

"What are you looking at? grab her!" Yao-zhongzhu ordered his guards, but wei ying and Lan wangji stood there blocking their way.

"Bloody cut-sleeves!" Yao sect leader cursed, "How dare you attack my brother!" A crackling whip landed on sect leader's back. The three cultivators tied down the yao clan leaders and disciples (Lixue did not fight as it was her daddy dearest.)

"Sect leader Jiang, he is stopping me from getting my daughter. " sect leader yao reasoned.

"I don't want this alliance, if my bride is unwilling." Jiang cheng announced. "Moreover, Yan Lixue is now a part of the lan clan, like my wife and I." lan wangji gave sect leader another shock.

"Though, lan zhan had defected from the lan clan for a few years, for the clan to rebuild without any hurdles or backlashes from your fellow snakes, but now, the lan clan is back to it's previous position. Hence, the second jade of lan had returned to the clan this very year, along with Nie and wen clan's support as the SECT LEADER." Wei ying's truth reveal almost pushed sect leader into a qi deviation.

"Er-gongzi....er-furen...this lowly one ....apologizes for his behavior." sect leader yao, tried to cover a bullet hole with a bandage unsuccessfully.

"Wei wuxian-" Jiang cheng did the unexpected, he pulled wei ying in a tight hug, making his sister blush.

"I....missed..you" Jiang cheng admitted reluctantly.

"Missed you too chengcheng." Wei ying ruffled her shidi's hair.

"I still think that all this is wrong......but...but...I don't want to lose you." Jiang cheng confessed, without looking at his other sister.

"It was so hard, living without the bestest brother in the world." Wei ying said, kissing her younger brother's cheeks.

"It's okay, if you want to be a....cut..sleeve, a...uhu...a drag queen, promiscuous even. Hell, you be whatever you want! You're still my only best friend." Jiang cheng said. Wei ying burst out laughing, "I only want to be a woman, your ying-jie, that's it." Wei ying said, through her wet smile.

Jiang cheng looked up in surprise, "So, you're not a cut-sleeve?" Jiang cheng asked.

"Will you call a woman a cut-sleeve, only because she married a man? Moreover, there's nothing wrong being one." Wei ying replied.

"No..but don't you have the same part as I do?" Jiang cheng asked sincerely, "Well unfortunately yes, but my soul is that of a woman. How would you feel if you're soul was put in a female body?" wei ying asked.

"I...would..want to change." Jiang cheng replied genuinely. Wei ying smiled at him, "But shijie thinks that you're wrong?" He asked.

"So do you." Wei ying said, "No I don't, not after you explained it to me."  Her brother answered.

"She'll too one day, but I won't be the one explaining her. Our relation is too damaged for that." Wei ying admitted.

"I can understand, but I would've stopped her if I knew." Jiang cheng said, "It's okay a-cheng, let the past be in the past. As for now, would you like to meet your nephew?" Wei ying asked. Jiang cheng nodded furiously

"A-yuan, come here, greet your shushu." Wei ying called her son. "Not shushu...jiujiu" Jiang cheng corrected, wei ying couldn't stop herself from breaking into sobs.

She watched the sweet interaction between her two most treasured people, with wet eyes, leaning against her reason of existance.

"Jiang-zhongzhu, Hanguang-jun, please untie us, you won't ever see us in here again." Sect leader yao pleaded. "It would be better if I don't see you in yunmeng as well." Jiang cheng hissed, sect leader yao fainted from losing so much in just one day.

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