Extra: A day in the life of Lan-er-furen

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Wei ying's day at cloud recesses started at 7am, when Lan zhan was already off for his morning lectures, taking their little radish with him.

Hence, the first thing she would do is leave a pot of congee boiling on the fire, before washing herself and performing her usual skin-care ritual.

She stir-fried some vegetables with pork and boiled a dozen of eggs, before getting dressed for her lecture.

Wei ying's lecture started at 9am, (thank god for small mercies!). She had a routine of packing a breakfast for her son and her husband, before living the house and delivering it to the respective lan man, on her way to the lecture.

Taking her notes and bentos with her, wei ying walked towards Lanshi, where Lan zhan was inspecting some trade documents.

"Er-gege! Your breakfast!" Wei ying shouted, (Lans were now used to it.) Lan zhan turned to her, with his smitten smile.

"Eat with me." Lan zhan said, "I'll, but we need to find our little radish." Wei ying said, but as she was about to get up, lan zhan held her hand. Silently pointing at a corner , where their son sat on Lan qiren's lap, as the latter tried to teach him.

"They're so cute!" Wei ying cooed, "Maybe, I can take my qizi on a lunch today?" Lan zhan said slyly, working his hand to wei ying's waist and pulling her closer.

"When we went alone last time, someone ended up missing our little radish, a little too much." Wei ying teased, "Xingan, it was you!" Lan zhan protested, " I'm the mama bear after all, but who kept on lamenting over the absence of our child?" Wei ying asked.

"Hmm...I think the three of us should go together....." Lan zhan was cut in by a radish crash landing into his lap. "Mama!" Yuan, hug attacked his father, "Am I your mama now?" Lan zhan teased, tickling his son's belly, Wei ying pouted. "A-yuan, lost his balance a-die!" Yuan giggled, "So, the hug wasn't meant for me?" Lan zhan teased.

"I gave a-die a hug in the morning, but I forgot to kiss mama goodbye, so I'll make it up to mama first and then hug a-die!" A-yuan smiled brightly, hugging wei ying tightly.

"My little radish, I love you so much!" Wei ying said squeezing him tight and pressing butterfly kisses all over his face.

"A-yuan loves mama, this much!" A-yuan said, stretching his arms wide, only to loose his balance and fall in lan zhan's lap.

"What about a-die?" Lan zhan asked, "A-yuan loves a-die this much too!" Yuan said, without closing his stretched arms.

"Give baba a kiss too!" Lan zhan demanded, both wei ying and A-yuan kissed Lan zhan on his both cheeks before closing their eyes to receive their kisses. Lan zhan kissed their foreheads in return.

"Baobei, go wash your hands. Mama has brought your favorite ginger pickle." Wei ying said, opening the the bento, Lan zhan laid the table and the small family ate together.(Not is silence, rules be damned! Lan zhan loves to hear their chatter.)


After finishing their afternoon class, the little family went to caiyi for their outing, "Mama! Baba! A-yuan wants tanghulu!" A-yuan said pointing at the Tanghulu wander from lan zhan's shoulder.

"Mama wants tanghulu too!" Wei ying whined, "Baba will get tanghulu for both of you." Lan zhan said, smiling softly.

The family walked towards the wander, buying 3 sticks of tanghulu. "What does my little radish wants to do today?" Wei ying asked, brushing her fingers over her son's chubby cheeks.

"A-yuan wants to visit Xu-yima and play with bing'er!" A-yuan demanded, "We'll visit them after lunch." lan zhan replied, "Hmm, would a-yuan like to eat some potato meat stew?" Wei ying asked playfully, "And red date soup for baba! And Ma po tofu for mama!" A-yuan shouted excitedly.

"Madam lin's tavern." Lan zhan said, paying the boatman.

"Such a lavish boat er-gege." Wei ying said, examining the interior of the boat. "A-ying and A-yuan deserve only the best." Lan zhan said, pulling wei ying on his lap.

"At least warn me you cruel man!" Wei ying scolded, blushing furiously.

"I'm a cruel man and a-ying is my doe eyed princess." Lan zhan teased, making wei ying blush deeper.

"You're so mean, er-gege!" Wei ying said, burying her head in the nape of Lan zhan's neck.

"Thank you wei ying......for building me a home, for loving me...us...thank you." Lan zhan whispered sincerely in wei ying's ears.

"A-zhan....It was you who made a home for me....when my family...." Wei ying paused, she was on the verge of tears, but the only thing she did was to rest her forehead against Lan zhan's chest.

"I love you so much.....I love us." She said looking at her family. It had been 5 years, since she had been married into the lan clan, her happiness had only grown.

"I love us." Lan zhan murmured, brushing his lips against hers, the kiss was soft, wet and filled with emotions, he stroked her soft hair, gently guiding her head to her shoulder.

Wei ying's life took a turn 6 years ago.....no it was 7 years ago, when she had first met Lan zhan on the rooftop, her life had changed for better since.

Through her years of marriage into the lan clan, everyone had treated her with love, respect and most importantly.....without prejudice.

She had loved every moment of her life as a woman, a wife, a mother, a sister, a daughter, an agony aunt to her students, a friend to all those lan shijies and meimeis. She enjoyed her role as the clan's second mistress, Lan-er- furen.

There were times, when she missed her brother, missing her treacherous sister was out of question, she had cried herself to sleep when Madam jin hadn't let her touch Jin ling, only because she was different, she hadn't expected any better from the Jin-furen either.

Though, Jiang cheng had tried to convince Jiang yanli to let her hold her nephew, but the stakes were too high, leaving her Lan zhan was never an option, she would rather die! Wei ying clenched her fists without realizing.

"Let the past stay in the past....hm..." Lan zhan whispered in a soothing voice, gently unclenching her fist.

"I miss him sometimes." Wei ying muttered, "Mn, it's alright a-ying, he'll come around too." Lan zhan said soothing her.

Even if the Jiangs came around some day, it didn't matter, as she couldn't risk losing her new found life to their filthy ways, she couldn't bear to lose Lan zhan again. Moreover, she didn't care, as she had her family...a family that truly loved her for herself, she was more than satisfied.

"You know what? I don't care anymore!" Wei ying said springing to her feet. "Go to hell Jiang Yanli!" She shouted, as loud as she could. A-yuan copied his mother, lan zhan watched his two sunflowers fondly.

"Go to hell...." Wei ying couldn't bring herself to say it, her shidi, she missed him, she loved him, somewhere deep in her heart she had a soft spot for him, unlike Jiang yanli, she couldn't hate the woman any less.

Once the woman she adored, saw as her own mother.....but now she had seen the ugly traitor, behind the mask of her kindness, but her shidi, he had nothing to do with Jiang Yanli's plot. He was just mad at her, for god knows what! Maybe her relations with her shidi could be mended.

"It's okay a-ying, let's eat something first." Lan zhan wrapped his arms around her shoulders, a-yuan did the same with her feet. She melted in their touch.

"Let's eat Jiaozi!" Wei ying cheered, "Jiaozi!" A-yuan shouted after his mother, as both of them ran towards Madam Lin's tavern. Lan zhan followed after, watching his two loves fondly.

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