Wedding crashers

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"Goodbye a-ying, you belong only in my happy memories." Wei ying said, reluctantly undressing out of the peach colored ruqun, gently removing her jewelry and hairpins. While, her eyes watered enough to fill the cold spring.

It was her wedding day, no- it was wei wuxian's wedding day, a-ying died the day she betrayed her one true love, out of shame, out of disgust, burned to ashes in her self-loathing.


"A-lan, I can't be grateful enough to have you in our family, thanks a lot for saving my A-xian." Jiang yanli said, one hand stroking her swollen stomach.

"It's my pleasure a-jie, what if he finds out?" Yu xiulan voiced her concern, "I'll make sure, you carry his child within a month." jiang yanli said.

The two went on with their preparations, unaware of a certain doctor listening every single word that came out of their mouths, while planning their elaborate dissection.


"You should put this back on child, your groom is waiting for you." Wei ying turned around with a jerk to see Wen qian, "Only if I could wen-yima." Wei ying couldn't bottle down her sobs anymore.

"Shh! child you did nothing wrong, Yu xiulan is not with a child, you did not lay with her, she trapped you, I've heard everything ." Wen qian revealed. Wei ying turned to Wen qian in surprise. 

"Now, now my little girl, put on that ruqun and I'll do your hair." Wen qian said, before wei ying could process anything, but when she did, she felt lighter, lighter than a blade of grass swinging with the wind. 

She was free, the realization that she hadn't betrayed her one true love made her heart swell. 

Yet, she felt bad at not being able to throw flowers at lan zhan, during the phoenix mountain night hunt.

"Thank you wen-yima, what would I've done without you." Wei ying said hugging wen qian tightly, "thant me later, you need to reach the ancestral hall first." wen qian said, tying an evil eye bracelet around wei ying's wrist. "Now, go." Wei ying nodded and rushed downstairs, shocking all the Jiang disciples in the process.

"Wuxian! What are you thinking?" Madam yu thundered, zidian crackling in her hand, Jiang fengmian looked away. "Is this some kind of a joke to you?" Yu ziyuan yelled.

"I am a woman like you! And it will never change! I'm only here to take my parents' tablets with me, so that I can bow down to them as I marry my HUSBAND!" Wei ying said slowly but firmly.

"A-xian, what has happened to you?" Jiang yanli uttered mournfully. "I'll tell you Jin-xiao-furen." Wen qing came out from behind the drapes.

"You tried to fake a scenario where you wanted a-ying to think that she cheated on her partner and made this woman fake her pregnancy as well, so that no matter what a-ying would've to marry this shameless, sleeze. " Wen qing yelled, wei ying couldn't trust her ears. Why would her shijie do something so malicious to her? Why would her shijie want to ruin her life?

"What proof do you have?" Yu xiulan asked shamelessly, "I'm a healer, I can prove that you're not pregnant right f#$king now!" Wen qing thundered.

"I don't think I did anything wrong! I only tried to save my BROTHER!" Jiang yanli lost her composure. Wei ying gasped in shock, she couldn't believe her senses. 

Without thinking further wei ying walked to the ancestral tablets, picking her parents' without a word and walking away, she turned when she heard zidian crackle, but failed to hit her. In front of her stood lan zhan, her lan zhan, the man she loved with every ounce of her being, the reason of her existence, who she was about to loose forever. (She didn't even want to think about that.)

He passed her a beautiful smile, forgetting about the spiritual weapon that burned his palm. "Wangji, take your bride and run!" Lan xichen cheered. 

Lan zhan picked up wei ying like a bride and ran towards the horse his brother had provided them, but was stopped by none other than Jiang wanyin.

"You filthy cut-sleeves!" Jiang cheng yelled trying to attack lan zhan, "Let us go Jiang-gongzi, I'm no longer a part of your clan." Hearing wei ying's words jiang cheng dropped his sword, shocked by wei ying's dry words and the harsh revelations, where did they go wrong? Was he not a good brother? Then why did wei ying choose to be a cut-sleeve? Jiang cheng questioned himself repeatedly.

In the dark of the night, wei ying and lan zhan escaped yunmeng and halted somewhere near the border of the yunping city, waiting to be joined by their friends and family.

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