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It was another lazy morning in the jingshi, no rush for reaching their classes on time, the little family slept-in for today, as they did after every night hunt.

Lan zhan was already awake, but decided to stay in the bed, cuddling his gorgeous ray of sunshine, his a-ying.

He gently kissed her nose, rolled her soft cheeks between his fingers, brushing his lips against her ear. He smiled mischievously as she grumbled in her sleep, hogging all the blanket to her bosoms.

He gently caressed her bare thigh, her milky white skin looked more intoxicating as his own inner robe rode up to her waist, her lavender scent enveloped in his sandlewood one.

Her clothes were anything but fancy, yet the glimpse of her milky white skin drove him crazy.

Her hair tied in a messy bun, leaving locks of stray strands to scatter over her finely carved face.

He pulled her tightly in his arms, against himself, wandering his fingers over the love bites he had left over her skin last night. To him, they appeared as scattered petals of cherry, over the frost covered caiyi lake.

Her lips, on which he had written quite a few proses, the way they felt against his, a piece of heaven, his own brand of temptations.

He laced his fingers with hers, feeling her hands. They weren't soft, like those ideal beauties he had read about, but rough from handling a sword.

The hands of a warrior, that loved to spar with him, that loved to hold a sword, the hands that taught their son art, the hands that cooked for them, the hands that fought by his side, the hands that invented talismans, the hands he loved to hold and he will till his last breath.

He placed a kiss over their entwined fingers, her chapped manicure from teaching her students sword forms, felt rough against his own guqin trained ones.

The beauty in his arms slowly opened her eyes as his fingers traced her thin waist, the waist which carried a small lotus tattoo, as a souvenir of their lives as Wen yunze and bai xiaolian, reminding him of the rainy cloud tattoo he had on his back.

"A-zhan, it looks creepy when you stare at me like that." She teased, he smiled.

"You should be, I'm devouring your beauty." He replied kissing her lips gently.

"Shouldn't I be the one saying that?" She teased again, kissing him sloppily.

Her lazy, sloppy morning kisses worked as a lucky charm on Lan wangji.

"Who would've thought, that someday you'll marry your sworn enemy?" She giggled, lan zhan only herd the chiming of clarity bells.

"Young Lan wangji would've had a qi deviation." He played along, she laughed, her palm covering the scar from the wen brand, he wouldn't have regretted saving such a beauty; ever.

"I love you." She said, pausing in the middle of her chatter, "Love you more." He replied, pulling her in another passionate, yet loving kiss, only separating to catch their breaths.

"Let's spend the entire day in bed." She suggested, "As my lady wishes." He obliged.

In the adjacent room, their child slept contently, dreaming of bunnies and pygmy fowls.

It was a dream come true.


In lanling, a certain young mistress stole her mother's hairpin and rouge paper, wondering if someone like her existed, But she didn't know that, a few miles away her yima slept nestled in her husband's arms, living her best life.

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