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I don't know what to think, what to say. I've always been told that cut-sleeves are vicious, vile homewreckers, who misguided youths, ruined families, but her a-xian wasn't like that.

Her little brother was the sweetest, kindest and the most self-less person she has ever met. How could he be like this? Was he misguided by the second jade ? That has to be it! The so called righteous second young master had brainwashed her brother into being a filthy cut-sleeve!

She needed to get her brother out of Lan wangji's clutches, she has to accomplish this! And she will, for her brother. To get her old A-xian back, she'll do anything.

Jiang Yanli started to think of a way to separate Lan zhan and wei ying.


"Shijie knows-" Wei ying cried in Lan zhan's chest, "What did she say?" Lan zhan asked calmly, Wei ying cried harder. "We'll get through this." Lan zhan soothed his wife.

"Somewhere I knew." Wei ying whispered, "It's okay, you've got me, brother and a-yuan." Lan zhan said, "If they truly love you, then they'll come around. " Lan zhan said, cupping wei ying's face and kissing her tears away.

With lan zhan by her side, wei ying would fight the world


On the other hand Jiang Yanli had decided to write a letter to Jin zixuan, requesting her brothers to be posted at the Yunmeng front, instead of Gusu and another one to her cousin Yu xiulan, who was smitten with wei ying.

After all, she had a brother to save.


"A-zhan, I don't know what to do?" Wei ying was shocked as he saw the letter of her reposting at Yunmeng front.

"It's alright a-ying, go save your home." Lan zhan said, pulling wei ying in his arms.

"I'll come to Yunmeng asking for your hand." Lan zhan said, placing his lips on wei ying's.

"I'll wait for you." Wei ying said, parting with a promise.

They parted without knowing how long.


Together Jiang cheng and Wei ying conquered their home again. Even though wei ying wanted to depart for gusu as soon as they had won yunmeng, but she was stopped, by her responsibilities, by the debt she owed towards the Jiang Family.

Days, weeks, months passed, but wei ying was still immersed in her work of rebuilding Lotus pier. Finally, after months of hard work, the Jiang clan was stable again.

As a reward for Wei ying's hard work, Jiang Fengmian decided to throw her a feast.

It was when Jiang Yanli's plan came to work.

As expected Wei Ying was drunk after the party, Jiang Yanli instructed Yu xiulan to take her to xiulan's room and undress both of them and lie in the same bed.

The next morning when Wei ying woke up, she wanted to end herself. How could she do this to the man she loved? She wasn't even attracted to women! How would she face him after the sin she had committed.

Her life was over, but she didn't want to ruin the life of the woman, who now carried her child. Wei ying couldn't help but think of her life with her Lan zhan and a-yuan, she would live with those memories, but this woman couldn't live by herself, with her child on the way.

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