Visiting jiujiu

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Jiang cheng wouldn't say it on wei ying's face, but he was thrilled to get a glimpse of his sister's new life. So, he did, quite often, by visiting her at the cloud recesses.

Where she would show him around her house, it was a cozy little cottage, big enough for five people to live comfortably.

The cottage was outside the premises of the cloud recesses, hence, they would sit in the backyard and drink, while reminiscing fond memories of their childhood.

She had even cultivated her own garden and her husband's bunny field. He loved their lazy morning talks in Jingshi's kitchen, they would talk about their lives, as wei ying would steam her Jiaozis and his nephew babbled adorably.

Wei ying even showed him, her inventions, she gifted him the ones that were meant for night hunting, like the fire-proof wards, pocket demon-catching nets and a few more.

Some of her inventions were domestic as well, like the paper wall hanging, origami magnolias, lanterns made out of fire-proofed, painted twigs, even jams and pickles.

Jiang cheng couldn't forget the day, when he had tried wei ying's cooking for the first time, they were shabby 14 year olds, yearning for a mid-night snack. Unwilling to wake up anyone, the two had crusaded over to the kitchen and tried to cook something for themselves, ending up with a red looking pile, by the curtesy of wei ying.

Jiang cheng had regretted his decision of tasting wei ying's cooking instantly.

Hence, he was a little scared to try it out at first, but seeing his nephew eating it happily, had built some courage in him. To his surprise, it tasted quite good, not the best jiaozi he has ever had, but it was certainly above average.

He took another bite, this time confidently, "Looks like jiujiu liked mama's cooking." His new found sister had giggled, addressing his 6 years old nephew.

"Who taught you?" He asked," It's Xichen-ge's recipe." She had replied with a smile. "Of course, it doesn't taste like yunmeng one." He had deduced, "Never got a chance to learn the yunmeng ones." His sister had replied sadly, though her bright grin had returned the very next moment.

Yet, to Jiang cheng it was unacceptable! Outrageous even, if his sister wanted to learn yunmeng cuisine, then he'll hire best chefs to teach her! Jiang cheng was determined.

"Visit me this winter, I want my nephew to see yunmeng. " He had said.

"I would love to come,but-" He had cut her in, "I don't care what others think, I've every right to bring my sister home. " Hearing this, wei ying had embraced him tightly, cried even.

Jiang cheng remembered this interaction from his last gusu visit nervously, he had prepared their childhood room, bought a dozen of trinkets and clothes for her and his nephew, lan wangji be damned.

He paced frantically in the crown hall, trying to avoid thinking of the worst case scenarios, but his sister's loud 'A-cheng!' and two tight embraces( one to his leg), relieved him of his anxiety.

Lan wangji had returned after two days of staying and roaming yunmeng with them, as he had duties as the chief advisor aka the right-hand man of zewu-jun. The word right-hand man hit Jiang cheng differently, he had always hoped that one day, he would be the sect leader and his brother, his only best-friend would be his right-hand man.

Now, it was all different, the brother he knew, never existed. It was his sister all along, he will send her to her in-laws' home with a dowry, as he had sent his jiejie away, but right now he would enjoy the days of their childhood with his new found sister.

"Do you remember the days, when we used to steal lotus pods and the old man used to beat us? Is he still there? " She asked, "He passed away last year." He replied.

"I wish I could relive the days of our childhood, but as myself." She sighed, he thought over it, he too wished to relive his childhood day, without the pressure to excel, pressure to earn his parents' appreciation, but it would never happen. He took another sip of his liquor with a sigh.

Wei ying's visit ended with on a merry note, as Lan wangji arrived 5 days later to pick up his wife and son.

And of course, got the shovel talk for the nine hundred and seventy eighth time, they had their lunch together before sending away wei ying with various gifts for her and her new family, including a huge stock of yunmeng lotus roots, for soup.

Jiang cheng had no regrets now, except the fact that he should've accepted his sister's identity and marriage earlier.

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