Some romance, some gore

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Wei ying and Lan wangji sat inside the cave around a fire, outer robes left to dry. "A-ying, talk to me, please." Lan zhan pleaded to wei ying, who was busy applying ointment to lan zhan's wounds. The other only huffed and turned his face away.

"Isn't it weird that I'm the one talking today?" Lan zhan said. "Shut up and rest." Wei ying replied, not looking at his favorite Lan.

"Wei ying I'm not sorry for saving you, I'll never be." Lan zhan said. "Now you have a scar which will never fade." Wei ying said, gently blowing at the brand mark on lan zhan's chest.

"It will remind me that I've saved a young beauty." Lan zhan replied, lifting wei ying's chin.

"What if it wasn't just a brand, a spear- or or a sword-" wei ying was cut in by a soft kiss on his lips.

Wei ying could not process what just happened, but when he did, he kissed lan zhan back. Pulling away when the latter started to him passionately, "I'm still mad at you." Wei ying said, placing his head on lan zhan's shoulder and closing his eyes.

"Oww! yingying please, I'll be careful next time, nope I won't let this happen again at all!" Lan zhan said, holding wei ying by his waist.

"That's better" wei ying mumbled before falling asleep, Lan zhan adjusted wei ying, so that the smaller boy was on his lap and his head rested in the crook of lan zhan's neck.

"I adore you." Lan zhan said placing a soft kiss on the top of wei ying's neck

The pair had only rested for some time, but was shaken awake by a wen boy. "Wei-gongzi! Lan-er-gongzi!" The boy said.

"Wen ning!" wei ying uttered in surprise. "Jiang-gongzi sent us, we need to get out of here." Wen ning said, helping both the boys up.

"How's qing-jie?" wei ying asked, "She is with us too, now come with me." Wen ning said, escorting wei ying and lan zhan out of the cave.


"There they're!" one of the Dafan wen doctor said, wen qing sighed in relief. "Get on!" Wen qing said. Obeying her wen ning sat on one horse, while Lan zhan and wei ying sat on another.

"Where's a-cheng?" wei ying asked. "He's hiding with zewu-jun, they're planning for an attack. I'm afraid I can't tell you much." Wen ning said.

"Thanks Qing-jie and ning-di." Wei ying said, but he could not understand the reason behind lan zhan's tightening grip.

"Sit tightly." Lan zhan said, holding the reign of the horse in one hand and wrapping the other securely around wei ying's.

They rode off to yiling, straight through the night, without halting.

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