Xuan wu cave

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Jiang cheng yelled as he saw Wen chao throw wei ying down the hill. While Lan zhan jumped catching wei ying and breaking his fall.

When jiang cheng rushed down, he saw the second jade holding wei wuxian, who was on the top of the former. Hiding his face in the crook of Lan wangji's neck, while the second jade has locked his arms on the smaller boy's waist, refusing to let go of each other.

"Oi! wei wuxian get up!" Jiang cheng grabbed wei ying by his arm and pulled him up. His brother helped lan wangji up as well.

the captatives of every clan started to walk towards the cave, they froze in shock as they saw a huge monster, which looked like a mixture of snake and tortoise. "Xuan-wu!" One of the jin students gasped. 

Lan wangji gripped wei ying's waist protectively. Jiang cheng just rolled his eyes and moved along.

Wen chao came down with his gang of goons and that idiot woman of his. "Wake him up." That idiot wen chao ordered. 

"Maybe we should just kill and hang him." Wang lingjao said, pointing at wei ying. "You mindless bitch!" Jiang cheng yelled before joining lan wangji's 'wei wuxian protection squad'.

 "Guys it's very sweet of you, but I can defend myself." wei ying said sheepishly, blushing deep read. "Attack!" Jin zixuan cried and thus the rebillion begin.

Somewhere in the chaos, wei wuxian disappeared and was captured Wen zhulio and Wang lingjao. "You would make such a pretty girls. pity! you're born with a jade stem." Said wang lingjao smiling wickedly. 

"What if I destroy your pretty little face?" She laughed heating the wen brand. She came slowly, almost cruelly towards him, yet she was just an arm's length away from him.

wei ying's heart started to beat rapidly, 'what if lan zhan won't like him after this?', 'what if lan zhan's thinks he is to ugly to be his friend?' Tears started to form at the corner of wei ying's eyes.

He closed his eyes, surrendering to his fate, but it never came. The grip arounds wei ying's arm was lost all the sudden.

He opened his eyes to see Lan zhan in front of him. Which only meant one thing, Lan zhan had taken the hot brand meant for wei ying on himself.

Tears started to flood down wei ying's face as he saw the crimson brand mark on lan zhan's chest. 

"Why did you do that?" Wei ying yelled, "And let her scar your face!" Lan zhan replied, pulling wei ying in his arms. wei ying nuzzled against his neck, Lan zhan placed a soft kiss on the top of wei ying's head.

"Never do that again." wei ying pleaded, "Will do for wei ying." Lan zhan replied. Hearing  this Wei ying broke the embrace and stormed away, Lan zhan followed.

"We need to find a way out." Wei ying said, "How? They've closed the only way in." a nie disciple replied. "Do you see these leaves? I wonder where they came from." Wei ying thought.

"From the west, but how are we going to find out?" A lan asked, "I'll go and check." Jiang cheng volunteered.

"Be safe." Wei ying said, as his brother entered the waters. 

"There is a way, 4-5 people can go at a time." Jiang cheng emerged out of the water a few minutes later. wei ying sighed in relief.

"What if it wakes up?" Jin zixun asked, "I'll distract it, while jiang cheng leads you through the exit." wei ying said.

"Don't worry a-cheng, I promise I'll come back." Wei ying said, cutting jiang cheng's protests.

At the end Lan wangji and wei Wuxian were the only ones left behind. 

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