Pleasure thyself

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Wei ying stood in front of the bathroom door, looking carefully at the enema pot, the vial that a-fan gave her and a thoroughly cleaned radish and a cucumber.

"This looks harder that I expected." Wei ying muttered, toying with her rabbit pendant as she kept on abusing her lower lip.

"You alright?" Wei ying tumbled backwards in shock, but was caught by Lan zhan's sturdy arms.

"I was thinking of- uh-practicing a few things- on myself, before- we- " Wei ying was cut in by a soft kiss, she squealed in shock as Lan zhan bridal carried her to the bed. "Lan zhan, I'm not ready-" Wei ying protested.

"I know." Lan zhan said with a soft smile, kissing her temples. "I'm here to help you with it." Lan zhan answered wei ying's curious gaze.

"oh-uh" Wei ying was too embarrassed to say anything further. "May I?" Lan zhan asked, before proceeding to remove the knot of wei ying's ruqun. "Shh, it's alright." Lan zhan whispered against her neck, sending a shiver down her spine.

In the end, both Lan zhan and wei ying were naked lying in each other's arms. "It won't fit-" Wei ying said, taking lan zhan's jade stem in her soft, dainty hands. "We don't have to yet." Lan zhan reassured her, he gently tucked a stray strand behind her ear.

Without any warning, wei ying sat on lan zhan's lap, kissing every bit of his face. Lan zhan lifted her chin to look into her eyes, before placing his lips on her as if asking her permission.

Wei ying licked his lips mischievously, earning a bite on her lower lip. The couple kissed, caressed, licked and felt each other, falling on the bed panting for breath.

"Are you ready?" Lan zhan asked, parting wei ying's legs. Wei ying nodded shyly, "Relax" Lan zhan said, dipping his fingers in the vial.

He gently pushed one of his lubed fingers inside wei ying's entrance. Wei ying gasped at the intrusion, though it was uncomfortable, but not painful. "Shh, kitten" Lan zhan said, thrusting his finger in and out of her hole.

Wei ying was mewling like a cat in heat. overwhelmed, only by a finger. "You had big plans baby boy, but look at you falling apart with just my finger." Lan zhan chuckled, adding another finger.

"aah! Lan zhan! Not a boy! a Girl." Wei ying panted through her moans. "Such a pretty princess, come for er-gege like a good girl." Lan zhan said, thrusting four finger at a faster pace.

"Er-gege, I'm coming! Lan zhan! feels so good!" Wei ying came hard, screaming, panting and shaking from her first ever dry orgasm.

"Shh, calm down baby girl." Lan zhan cooed, patting wei ying's head gently. Wei ying buried her face into lan zhan's sturdy, muscular chest, nuzzling her head against it like a kitten.

"Would a-ying like some radish?" Lan zhan asked. "Tired" Wei ying grumbled. "Aww, princess did this gege of yours exhausted your little pussy too much." Lan zhan said, playing with wei ying's clit.

"Er-gege, too much." Wei ying gasped, "Doesn't yingying like playing with her clitty?" Lan zhan asked, wei ying hid her face in his chest. After making wei ying cum one more time, lan zhan pulled the covers over them.

"A-ying, I think we need to talk." Lan zhan said, cupping wei ying's face.

"hm, it's alright, if you don't want me after this-" Wei ying was cut in by a soft kiss. "Never say that again, no matter what I'll always want you." Lan zhan said, wiping wei ying's tears away with a gentle swipe of his thumb.

"Even if I want to live like a girl?" Wei ying asked, averting her eyes, fearing rejection.

"I might have had a thought, but I waited for your confession." Lan zhan said, "So, do you want me or not?" Wei ying asked with her heart in her throat.

"I want wei ying to be my qizi, I want to protect her, coddle her, bend to her every whim, love her till my last breath, even beyond my heartbeat. I want to court wei ying formally and then marry her in a big fat yunmeng wedding, like the one in a-ying's dreams. " Lan zhan replied, wei ying started to sob uncontrolled.

"My sweet little kitten, what happened? It's okay bao'er, it's going to be fine baby." Lan zhan cooed, rubbing soothing circles on her back.

"Lan zhan, I like you, in other words, I fancy you, I love you, It can't be anyone but you." Wei ying confessed, breaking into another sob.

"I love you more." Lan zhan said, kissing the top of her head.

The two fell asleep soon after.

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