Girls night out

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After lan zhan and wei ying finished their dinner, wei ying took two jars of wine and went to a-fan's room.

"Come in Lian-jie, I've got the nail paint ready." A-fan said mixing the paint well. "I know how to make a lotus face pack." Wei ying said, putting the wine jars on a nearby table.

"So, how was your life, before coming to granny's?" A-fan asked. "My family doesn't know." Wei ying said, a-fan gasped. "You eloped?" The younger girl asked. "You can say than" Wei ying said. "Where are you from?" A-fan asked. "Yunmeng." Wei ying said, sub-consciously worrying about her home.

"Are you a cultivator?" A-fan asked. "A weak one." Wei ying lied, "I've heard about a woman like us, who was assaulted and killed by 3 jiang disciples, yet the clan leader let them go?" a-fan asked, "Isn't that how this world is, not too favorable for people like us." wei ying said, with a sad smile.

"Your're the first person I've met, who is like me." a-fan said. "I wasn't ever this free, my family hates us." Wei ying said, lost in thoughts.

" Aren't we your family too?" a-fan asked, earning a wet smile from wei ying.

"You're my glutinous little sister, who I'm going to marry off real quick. " wei ying teased. "Who is going to marry me? You're lucky enough to find one for yourself." a-fan teased. "Of course, my a-zhan is the best. But sui-dage isn't half bad." Wei ying teased.

"He's just a kind man who likes to feed me!" a-fan shouted, blushing to the core.

"Oh, I thought you liked him, maybe he is not hot enough for my baby sister." wei ying teased, "Sui-dage is hot as a steaming pot!" a-fan yelled before realizing what came out of her mouth. Wei ying burst into laughter.

"I'm telling him!" Wei ying laughter menacingly. "If you do that I'll kill you." A-fan said chasing wei ying.

After a few minutes of running, teasing and threatening each other, both the girls took a wine break.

"How did you two meet?" a-fan asked, "Through wine, he caught me sneaking in 2 jars of wine. He came to punish me, we fought" Wei ying said, staring dreamily at the moon.

"No offense, but your husband is a huge fuddy-duddy." a-fan said, taking another sip from her jar.

"He is and I love him for it." Wei ying said, a soft smile blooming at the corner of her lips. "Would you mind If I ask you something?" a-fan asked, sounding a little nervous.

"How was your first time? Did it hurt?" a-fan asked, playing with her sleeves nervously.

Hearing this, wei ying chocked on her wine, 'heck! we haven't even made out' Wei ying thought, blushing beet red at the thought of doing such things with Lan zhan.

"we haven't yet-" wei ying was cut of by a-fan's laughter, "Don't tell me that you two are married virgins!" A-fan laughed, wei ying left out an embarrassed squeal.

"Do you know how it's done?" a-fan asked. "I've read about people using their mouths." Wei ying answered nervously. "Have you heard about anal intercourse? " A-fan asked kindly.

Wei ying shook her head in denial, "Doesn't it hurt?" Wei ying asked, "At first maybe a little, but with proper care it can be avoided." a-fan said. "How do you know this?" Wei ying asked, "Through this, also I pleasure myself." a-fan said handing wei ying an erotica.

"How?" Wei ying stuttered, already embarrassed. "It's more of an informative booklet than an erotica, you can use this too." A-fan said handing a small vial to Wei ying. "Don't forget to clean yourself from inside before doing it." a-fan instructed, wei ying listened obidently.

After talking for a while, both the girls fell asleep.

The next morning, wei ying woke up to granny wen's voice.

"A-lian, here you are! Your vinegar jar is looking for you." granny wen chuckled, "I'll be back in a while." Wei ying said sheepishly, running out of the room as fast as possible.

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