Attacking Langya

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Lan xichen, Nie mingjue and Jiang cheng had secured Qinghe, killing Wen xu and moving to conquer Langya, where Lan zhan and wei ying's plan came in action.

With the help of Dafan wens, Lan zhan, Wei ying, Wen qing and Wen ning were going to travel to Langya at night and join the sunshot campaign.

At the crack of dawn, the army attacked Wen chao's camp, killing him, his mistress and Wen zhulio.

"Good to see you back, Wangji or should I say Hanguang-jun!" Nie mingjue patted lan zhan's back. "It's my pleasure, sect leader Nie." Lan zhan replied, his eyes searching for his brother.

"Xiongzhang!" Lan zhan ran( even though forbidden by the rules) towards his brother and pulled him in a tight hug, which was an unexpected behavior from the second jade. "I missed you too brother." Lan xichen uttered, choking on a sob, while lovingly ruffling his brother's hair.

"I missed you too Huan-ge." Lan xichen, couldn't help but feel overwhelmed at being called 'Huan-ge' after such a long time. "Ge's here now, a-zhan" Lan xichen said, placing a kiss over his brother's temples.

"How is uncle?" Lan zhan asked, "He's at Lanling now, planning to take over gusu, I want you and wei gongzi to lead the mission." Lan xichen said.

"Will lead with wei ying." Lan zhan agreed, "How are things with Wei-gongzi?" Lan xichen asked with a knowing look. "I need to talk to you in private brother." lan zhan said. Both the jades walked inside a closed room.

"So, any development with your dear Ah! Ying!" Lan xichen let out the last two words mimicking moans. "Xiongzhang!" Lan zhan chastised, turning beet red.

"I knew he was a cutsleeve, dear brother. Now, now, hand me you monthly allowance." Lan xichen smirked victoriously. "You're wrong dear gege, I'm courting Wei-guniang ." Lan zhan said, emphasizing on words guniang. "But you both are happy and that's the biggest reward this brother could ever get, I'm happy for you wangji." Lan xichen said, pulling Lan zhan in another bone crushing hug. 'Why is everyone I love trying to crush my bones?' Lan zhan thought.

"Have you decided on a courting gift yet?" Lan xichen asked, "Art supplies? A comb? Maybe a hairpin?" Lan zhan asked, "What will you do without this wiser brother of yours?" Lan xichen teased, "Marry wei ying in a month, instead of an year." Lan zhan replied, "Ouch!" Lan xichen replied dramatically.


"Did you miss me a-cheng?" Wei ying said, swinging an arm against Jiang cheng's shoulder. "Says the one who did the stupidity of staying in the cave." Jiang cheng said, punching wei ying's shoulder.

"But my brave shidi saved me!" Wei ying said, fainting dramatically. "Welcome back." Jiang cheng said hugging his 'brother' tightly.

"A-cheng I wanted to talk about something." Wei ying said, but regretted instantly. "I don't think that we should make shijie wait anymore, she has been worried about us." Jiang cheng replied, wei ying sighed in relief. Her confession could wait for a while, Wei ying thought.


"Shijie!" Both wei ying and Jiang cheng rushed to pull their sister in a tight hug. "A-xian, a-cheng, I missed you." The said, wiping the corners of her eyes. "Father and Mother are safe at Lanling." Jiang yanli replied to the concern in Jiang cheng's eyes.

"I've made you some soup." Jiang yiang said pouring steaming hot Lotus and pork rib soup from the pot , into two bowls for her brothers.

"I've missed your soup." Wei ying said with her mouth full, jiang yanli chuckled behind her sleeve, Jiang cheng rolled his eyes fondly. After finishing her bowl of soup, wei ying bent to place her empty bowl on the counter table, only to expose her bunny pendant.

"A-xian, who gave you that?" Jiang yanli asked, "A friend did." Wei ying said tucking it inside her robes.

"You shouldn't wear it." Yanli said, "Why?" Wei ying asked, surprised by her sister's remark.

"It doesn't look like an ordinary rabbit, but the rabbit deity, which represents them." Jiang Yanli whispered, "Them?" Wei ying asked, even though she was well aware of the answer.

"Cut-sleeves!" Jiang yanli uttered in a voice, only audible to herself and wei ying. "What's wrong with cut-sleeves?" Wei ying asked, hurt by his usually compassionate sister's lack of empathy.

"They are unnatural, they can't have kids. It's just not right." Wei ying could feel disgust in Jiang Yanli's voice. "You shouldn't even be friends with the person who gave this to you" Jiang Yanli said, trying to pull the pendant away, but wei ying moved aside.

"A-xian, why are you being hard?" Jiang Yanli asked, "Wasn't this given to you by that lan wangji?" Jiang cheng asked, making Jiang yanli gasp.

"I knew  that something was wrong with him, the way he acts with you." Jiang cheng said, "Wo de tian! A-xian, you should stay away from him." Jiang yanli said, as if feeling sad for wei ying.

"Lan zhan is my friend and it doesn't matter if he is a cut-sleeve or not!" Wei ying protested, "Are you so dumb that you're still not realizing it! That damn cut-sleeve wants to suck your dick!-" Jiang cheng yelled, but before he could speak anymore, a sharp slap landed on his cheek. Wei ying soon realized that he had done something he did not intend to.

"A-cheng I'm so sorry." Wei ying tried to go after his brother, but the latter pushed him and stormed away.

"Oh A-xian, what did he do to you?" Jiang yanli stroked wei ying's hair. "Being a cut-sleeve is something no one can change, then why can't people just accept?" Wei ying cried in her sister's lap.

"Xianxian, they're the ones who choose to go against the society." Jiang yanli said, rubbing wei ying's back. "For love," Wei ying answered back, "For lust, those are the people who wreck homes, misguide youth and steal children's innocence." Jiang yanli said.

"No, they don't, they rebel for their right to exist, to love who they want, to be free. We're humans too!" Wei ying cried harder, getting up and about to storm away.

"A-xian, tell me it's not true, tell me that you're not one of them." Jiang Yanli pleaded, teary eyed.

"I love Lan zhan shijie-" Wei ying choked on a sob, before running away, to find Lan zhan, her only source of comfort.

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