Chapter 1

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"Mmm," you groaned. "Arlo..."

Arlo whined and continued to lick your face.

You turned over and pulled your blanket over your head.

It was a school day, and you knew that, but you were dreading getting out of bed.

You were on your third year at Heartland Academy.

Arlo let out another whine.

You yawned and sat up.

"I know buddy," you yawned and pat his head.


You dragged yourself out of bed pulled out your uniform and got dressed

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You dragged yourself out of bed pulled out your uniform and got dressed. Eventually you got annoyed with the normal female uniform so you modified it. You were also able to get your hands on a few male uniforms and modified them as well. Teachers didn't really care, but you did have to fight with the administration a little, but then they gave up by your third year.

While you let Arlo out in your backyard you got your breakfasts ready. You made yourself eggs and toast. You got Arlo dog food, emptying the bag.

"Guess I'll have to get some food after school," you said.

Once you let Arlo in you both went to the living room. You turned on the tv. The news was on and they were reporting on the lifeless people once more.

"What if we investigated?" you looked at Arlo. He stopped eating his food and whined.

"No?" you laughed. Arlo shook then went back to his food.

After you were done eating you headed out saying a quick goodbye to Arlo.

You heard soft whispering.

"Huh?" you hummed.

The whispering seemed to be coming from your bushes? You walked over to your bushes and kneeled down.

The whispers got louder. You pushed the bushes back, it looked like there was a card. You picked it up.

You felt a chill run down your spine.

Number 52: Diamond Crab King.

You set the card in your bag then headed to school.

People at school very quickly labeled you as the 'weird' kid. The kid that just showed up out of nowhere. So, no one would really talk to you.

*Yuma's Pov*

It's been a few weeks since Astral has arrived and we still have little answers about him.

"What's wrong Yuma?" Tori asked. We were walking through the school halls.

Astral was hanging off to the side.

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