Chapter 2

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It was a beautiful weekend. You and Arlo had slept in.

Finally finding the drive to get out of bed you got dressed and started making breakfast. You let Arlo out.

The two of you ate in peace as you watched tv.

"We should go out today," you said. Arlo wagged his tail.

So after breakfast you checked the weather then headed out. You grabbed an umbrella since the forecast did warn of rain.

You started your day off by going to the dog park. You watched as Arlo played with other dogs and had fun. You had a few fellow dog owners come and talk to you but not many.

Around four you decided it was time to go and get some dinner. Since you were already out and about you and Arlo went to your favorite Café. Which also happened to be pet friendly and the owners adored you and Arlo.

"Why hello little L/n!" Dori greeted you warmly.

"Hello Dori!" you greeted back. Dori pulled out one of the dog treats and threw it at Arlo. Arlo caught it with his mouth and started munching down.

"What can I get you today Sugar?" Dori asked as she pulled out her notepad.

"Ah just the usual, Grilled cheese with the tomato basil soup," you said," and to drink an Earl Grey tea. Oh and a side of roast beef for this little cutie."

"I'll get right on it!" Dori beamed as you sat down. You watched outside as the cars passed by. You could see the sky starting to get darker. Good thing you brought your umbrella.

A few minutes later Dori returned with you drink.

"Food will be out in just a sec darling!" Dori smiled.

You took a sip of your tea letting out a soft hum.

Just as you left the rain had started. You opened up your umbrella and held it above you and Arlo.

Then just like the other day everything seemed unnaturally still, but now that you looked around more... time wasn't still it was frozen.

Arlo whined then he booked it.

"Arlo!" you called then ran after him. Arlo ran up to a boy with red and dark blue hair, next to him was a ghost like figure.

"Huh? A dog?" The boy questioned. Arlo sat down in front of him and started wagging his tail.

"Arlo!" You called. You ran up to the three. "I am so sorry usually he doesn't run off like this."

"Ah it's okay!" the boy smiled.

"Yuma, I believe this is the person I had told you about," the ghost like figure said.

"Wait really!?" Yuma asked.

"I'm sorry but have we met before?" you asked the ghost like figure.

"You can see him!?" Yuma exclaimed.

"Am I not supposed to?" you retaliated.

"Well up until now. I was the only one who could see Astral, but I guess its cool," Yuma shrugged.

Your conversation was cut short by a whistle. You turned towards it only to see the guy from the other day.

"It's you again," you muttered.

"You know him?" Yuma asked.

"Not exactly," you said.

"Ah!" the blonde yelled and the rain soaked you and Yuma.

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