Chapter 3

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The Saturday following the Kite incident you were woken up from a call by Tori. 

"Hello?" you yawned as you answered. 

"Hey you up for an adventure?" she asked. 

"What kind?" you hummed as you sat up. 

"It's a hike, Yuma's grandma is sending us," Tori explained. 

"Could I bring Arlo?!" you asked hopefully.

"I don't see why not," Tori hummed. 

"Alright where am I meeting you guys?" 

"Bus station at the North street at one," Tori said. 

"Righto!" you smiled. 

You got dressed then around twelve thirty you and Arlo headed out. 

When you got to the bus station Yuma and Astral seemed shocked to see you. There was one other person, but your introduction would have to wait a minute. 

"Y/n? Arlo?" he hummed. He had a huge bag of food strapped to his back. 

"Hey, hope you don't mind Tori invited me to tag along," you smiled. 

"No! Not at all, honestly its kind of relieving to see you," Yuma admitted. 

"Really?" you hummed. 

"Yeah! You have this calming presence," Yuma said. 

"Mm, I see," you smiled you then turned to the third person," hello, I'm Y/n as I'm sure you heard." 

"Bronk nice to meet ya," he smiled. 

The bus pulled up about 1:15 but you didn't arrive to your destination until almost two, and what you were greeted by was stairs. 

"Oh no," Yuma mumbled. 

"Well these stairs aren't going to climb themselves," you said and started to make your way up the stairs. Arlo happily following behind you. 

The others seemed shocked by your enthusiasm. 

About hallway though the others seemed exhausted. 

"Here," you handed each of them a water bottle from your bag. 

"Oh man you're a life saver Y/n," Bronk said. 

"How are you not exhausted?" Tori asked you. 

"I-! Uh, I'm not sure," you said. 

"Ugh how much longer?" Yuma groaned just before gulping down his water. 

"Well we can't turn back now, or else you'll have to carry that all back down," Bronk said. This seemed to be the right drive Yuma needed. He sprung up then ran the rest of the way up the stairs. Arlo quickly running behind him. 

"Well lets get going shall we?" you looked at Tori and Bronk. They nodded as you followed behind Yuma, Astral and Arlo. When you got to the top of the stairs you were met by a temple. 

"Ah!" Yuma yelled. The three of you ran inside. Yuma was freaking out, Arlo stood off to the side wagging his tail. 

"Yuma what's going on!?" Tori asked. 

"Monkey attack! Monkey attack!" Yuma exclaimed. 

You, Tori, and Bronk looked up to see an old man munching down on the groceries. 

"Friends! Got any dipping sauce?" he asked. 

"That monkey looks like an old man," Bronk commented. 

Yuma took off the back pack and the old man started his own little feast. You, Arlo, Yuma, Tori and Bronk all watched in an awkward silence. 

"Yep a full belly is indeed a happy belly! Be sure to give my thanks to Haru!" the old man exclaimed as he finished.  

"Did you say Haru? Do you mean my grandma? So how do you two know each other old timer?" Yuma asked. 

"Old Timer! The name happens to be Roku! But you can call me Master Roku!" the old man replied.

"Master Roku?" you all asked in unison. 

"And unfortunately you can't go home," Master Roku stood up. 

"Huh, can't go home!" you all exclaimed again. 

"You missed the last bus by an hour and everyone here calls it a day at Sundown," Master Roku said.

"So then we'll walk," Tori said.

"But then you wouldn't be able to clean this room for me," Master Roku replied. 

"What do you mean clean this room? This place is a mess. That would take us forever," Yuma commented. 

"Then you better get started. Your grandmothers note said you would do anything I asked you to do. You wouldn't want to make a liar out of your dear grandma now would you?" Master Roku closed the door. 

"Of course not but-" Yuma started but it was to late. 

You all got started with cleaning the room, even Arlo was helping out. 

"Put that stuff in the back room Bronk," Tori said.

"Mmhm," Bronk hummed. 

"Yuma you're not helping!" Tori exclaimed.

"I'm trying, but this broom is defective, yeah that's it," Yuma sighed. 

"Grr, even Arlo is doing more work then you!" Tori exclaimed, but at this point something else had grabbed Yuma's attention. 

"Hey, I wonder what the old man's got in that room," Yuma said. Arlo stopped what he was doing and ran towards the set of double doors. 

"Arlo!" You got up and followed him, but the room he had lead you to had various statues. You froze in place... 

Whispers filled your ears, like they were trying to say something to you, but you couldn't make out what they were saying. 

"Y/n? Wha-!?" Yuma started snapping you out of your thoughts and pulling you away from the whispers. You finally now looked around, taking in each statue... Dark Magician, Red Eyes B. Dragon, Blue Eyes White dragon, Elemental Hero, Dark Magician girl, and more... 

Why did they seem familiar... besides being legendary duel monsters. 

"Yuma stop trying-!" Tori started but then was in complete amazement. Bronk as well. 

A hearty chuckle pulled everyone's attention back to Master Roku. 

"I'm glad you like them," Master Roku said. "I poured my heart and soul into making these wooden statues. Every time one of my little birdies flies from the nest I carve a new one in his or her honor."

"Little birdies?" Yuma hummed. 

"Yes my students, my protégées. My duel sanctuary is a place of knowledge. Many incredible duelist have mastered there art in this very room," Master Roku smiled. 

"Wow that is so cool and so are these statues. They look like they're about to move!" Tori exclaimed. 

"But they do move!" Master Roku smiled. 

"No they don't. Are you serious?" Yuma denied it immediately.  

"I am during a duel these statues come to life," Master Roku said. "Do you want to see?"

Yuma immediately pulled out his duel gazer.  You, Tori, and Bronk following. 

When Yuma played his field spell the statues came to life. It was incredible! 

But then you noticed Dark Magician Girl glance at you. You could see recognition in her eyes which sent a chill down your spine. She quickly looked away brining her attention back to the duel.  

Yuma ended up loosing the duel, but in the end you were pretty sure he learned a pretty valuable lesson.

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