Chapter 5

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"Y/N!" Yuma called as he ran up to you in the hall. It was lunch period. 

"What's up?" you asked as he slung around your shoulders. 

"Come eat lunch with me," he smiled. Astral just a few feet behind him. 

"Oh, okay," you nodded. 

Yuma brought you to the roof of the school. He looked around and sighed.

"Looks like were in the clear Astral," Yuma said. 

"Is everything okay?" you asked as you and Yuma sat down. 

"Y/n, you posses a number card correct?" Astral asked. 

"Hm? Oh yeah? What was it... Number 52 I think?" you questioned. 

"Hm I see, I'm sorry to ask this, but do you mind relinquishing ownership of it? I am unsure how but they seem to contain my memoires," Astral said. 

"Oh yeah you can take it! I don't really duel," you shrugged," It's in my school bag but I'll get it for you during duel period." 

"That was easy," Yuma smiled. 

"But then this leads me to my second question, how are you able to see me? I'm invisible to Yuma's other friends, but you. You see me," Astral commented. 

"I don't really know," you sighed. "I wish I could give you an answer." 

"Maybe it has something to do with your past," Yuma suggested.

"Sorry Yuma, but my past isn't up for discussion," you replied. 

"Huh! Wait but why? You can trust us!" Yuma said. You avoided eye contact. 

"It's not that," you told him ," it's the fact that I don't remember most of it." 

"You don't remember?" Yuma asked. 

"Anything before two years ago is all hazy mixed up. I don't remember anything," you said. 

"I see so your past is a mystery too," Yuma sighed," but I'm sure Astral and I can help you figure it out! Right Astral?"

"Yes," Astral smiled softly.

"Thank you Yuma and Astral," you smiled. "Actually I got a question myself! What are these number cards and why are they so important?" 

"Well besides holding my memories, they're extremely powerful and can even change the way someone acts," Astral said. 

"So they're petty dangerous," you muttered.

"They can be yeah," Yuma nodded. 

"Hm since I can somehow not get possessed by these number cards I'll help in any way that I can. Although I don't duel often," you said.

"That's okay! Helping in any way is useful!" Yuma smiled. 

"Hm," you nodded. 

After lunch classes continued as normal then finally it was duel period. You retrieved the number for Yuma and went on your way to find him. 

Although you didn't find Yuma, you did find Tori. 

"Hey Tori! Do you know where Yuma is?" you asked. 

"He just ran off to the bathroom," Tori sighed. 

"Man alright, I guess I'll see you later then," you said.

"Wait Y/n! I have a question!" Tori exclaimed. 

"What's up?" you asked. 

"Do you know anything about number cards?" she asked. 

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