Chapter 20

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"You need to be more careful! You pushed her too far!"

"I didn't mean to! I thought she could handle it!"

"Val if Y/n dies here she doesn't come back! We have to remember that she is human!"

"Then how can she even do half the stuff she does!? You told me yourself that humans don't have the same properties as us!"

"Y/n is special."

"Then maybe she was meant to be here."

"No, no she wasn't."

"Oh yeah and that's why we gotta send her home right?"

"Val! That's enough."

"Pfft whatever!"

"Where are you going?!"

"On a walk!"

You heard a heavy sigh. A door opened and closed and footsteps approached you. You opened your eyes slightly, your vision still blurry. The figure gently grabbed your hand.

"I'm sorry we disturbed you."

"Is... Val okay?"

"He'll be fine."

"I...I have to..."

"You have to what?"

"I... have to...go back..."


You nodded softly.

"My friends... need me..."

"Go my child. I'll be here when you wake up."


You gasped as you jumped up.

Where were you?

What happened?

You looked around to see Orbital next to you. Yuma, Shark and Kite in a duel.

That's right.

You were down here to save Yuma and Hart. Kite glanced back out you and looked relieved to see you okay.

"Y-y-y-y/n are you alright!?" Orbital asked now turning your attention back to him.

"I'm okay," you nodded. "But what's going on? Who are they dueling? Did I doze off?"

You pulled your duel gazer out of your pocket and put it on.

"They're battling doctor Faker," Orbital said. "An-and you were unconscious for a little bit." 

"Dr Faker?" you echoed.

"The one behind all of this," Orbital said.

"Ah I see," you nodded. Your head still felt heavy, so it was hard to concentrate on the duel ahead of you. You stood up slowly.

The duel played out and the three won the duel against doctor faker. (Not that you had any doubts). You watched as one of the spirits from Barian world left Dr. Faker. They had big round eyes and long hair.

"Curse you Yuma Tsukamo and Astral!" a feminine voice exclaimed.



"Hart! Hart!" Kite called as Hart slowly floated towards him. "I got ya."

"Kite... I'm free," Hart smiled.

"Yes your free Hart," Kite agreed "It's all over you're gonna be safe now."


"Yuma look out!" you called.

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