Chapter 19

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"And the winner of the world duel carnival is Yuma Tsukamo!" Heartland announced.

"He actually did it," Kite said shocked, but that wasn't the end. The duel sphere Yuma and Vetrix were in started to transfer itself. You stood up quickly.

"What's going on?" You asked. The building rumbled.

"I don't know, but we need to get Hart and get out of here," Kite said.

"Right," you nodded. Kite put his trench coat and belt back on. You Kite and Orbital headed up to Hart's room only to see that he wasn't there.

"Orbital figure out where he is now!" Kite commanded.

"M-m-master Hart is in the basement! And is being used to fuel the duel sphere cannon!" Orbital exclaimed.

You and Kite glanced at each other then made your way down the tower, but as you were Heartland tower was coming down.

"Look out!" You yelled. You grabbed Kite's hand and pulled him towards you. You both fell back with Kite ending up on top of you. Your faces inches apart. You both blushed furiously.

A piece of debris landed right were you had pulled Kite away.

"Huh! I gotta go Kari!"

Kite quickly got up then helped you up. Tori turned the corner to see you two. Shark was close behind her.

"Tori! Shark! What are you two doing here?" you asked.

"Looking for you and Yuma!" Tori exclaimed.

"Yuma?" you hummed.

"He was in the sphere cannon," Shark nodded.

"That's right," you muttered," Tori go back to the others Yuma and I will come back safely."

"But I want to help!" Tori exclaimed.

"Yeah and I get that, but we don't have much time and between you and me I think Yuma would be devastated if something happened to you," you winked at her. Tori blushed. "Besides the three of us can handle this."

"Alright, but you all better come back safely!" Tori exclaimed as she made her way to exit the building.

"We will!" You called back. You turned your attention back to Kite. "Lets get back to heading to the basement."

Kite nodded.

The four of you headed down the hall only to see the access tunnel blocked.

"This is the underground entrance," Orbital said.

"There's another way to get down though right?" you asked.

"Th-th-there typically would be but... that is the access point that would let me scan the building," Orbital said. You all looked over to see it crushed by debris. "If I can't access the-"

"Stop making excuses you worthless scrap pile!" Shark exclaimed.

"I-I-I-I don't see you doing anything about it you hairless ape!" Orbital exclaimed.

"Can it you two I got an idea," you said and pulled out your duel gazer. You dialed Kari's number knowing how tech savvy she is.

"Y/n what's going on where are you?" Kari asked.

"On a rescue mission and I need your help. I need you to get a map of Heartland tower we need another way don to the garbage disposal unit," you said.

"On it," Kari nodded.

It took a minute or two but she found it.

"There's an entrance three blocks west from where you guys are at," Kari said.

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