Chapter 8

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*Yuma's Pov*

If Shark didn't have the key then who did...

"Y/N!" I exclaimed. The others around me jumped.

"Y/n?" they questioned.

"Tori, call Y/n, warn them about Kite. If my hunch is correct Y/n has Astral," I said.

"So then that would make them a target," Bronk nodded. Tori stepped outside of the hospital room.

Man I hope Y/n knows what they're doing...

Tori came back in panicked.

"They didn't answer," she said nervously.

"Do you think Kite got to her?" Cathy asks.

"I really hope not," I said.

Come on...



Please be safe...

"Yuma, we may have to go under the assumption that Kite got to her," Caswell said," and if that's true Kite also has the key right? So he'll want to do experiments on it right?"

"Yeah but-" I started. I didn't want to assume the worst but if Y/n didn't answer... "Yeah that's true."

"Then I think I know just the person to help us," Caswell said.

*Normal Pov*

"Mmm," you hummed.

Did you pass out?

Your head was spinning.

The room you were in was lined with shelves. On the shelves cleaning supplies.

"Did he really put me in a janitor's closet!" you exclaimed. You didn't have time to question it. You had to get out of here.

Then your eyes landed on it. A vent.

You pushed up on the shelf and open the gate. That was easier then expected. You climbed into the vent and started crawling around.

Then suddenly something felt off...

A new energy source...

You could feel it.

You closed your eyes concentrating on the source.

When you felt you had a good idea as to where it was you followed it.

You were lead to a huge dome like room. You pushed the vent in front of you open and entered the room. Orbital was in front of a computer, next to him was a golden portal, is that portal...?

You didn't see Kite anywhere.

Did he go through the portal?

You quietly made your way to the small little path way leading to the computer.

If you could just distract Orbital...

"Ah hah," you whispered and pulled off one of your shoes. You stood up slowly then threw your shoe in the opposite direction of the portal.

"Huh?" Orbital looked over to where you had thrown your shoe. He strolled over to it and picked it up. "A shoe?"

You booked it to the portal.

Once you got through the portal you were met face first with sand.

You pushed yourself up spitting the sand out of your mouth.

"Bleh," you groaned. You dusted off your outfit as you stood up. In front of you was a giant airship. "Woah!"

You saw Kite and Astral on top. It looked like they were in a duel. You put on your duel gazer only to see that your hunch was correct.

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