Chapter 12

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It was the morning of the second day of the world duel carnival. You got out of bed then got dressed. You had a good breakfast then you and Arlo were on your way to meet Yuma and Tori.

"Hey good morning!" Tori waved to you as you approached Yuma's house.

"Morning!" you smiled at her.

"Hey Y/n!" Yuma beamed. You smiled back at him.

"Pick up the pace Caswell!" you all heard Bronk yell. He sped past on his skateboard. Caswell struggled behind him.

"Wait up Bronk!" Caswell yelled.

"They're in a rush, wonder what's going on!" Tori smiled.

"Pizza shop must be giving out free slices!" Yuma smiled.

"Lets go find out," you said.

"Right!" Tori and Yuma agreed.

You caught up with Bronk and Caswell.

"Yo! Where ya speeding off to?" Yuma asked.

"Hey guys!" Bronk greeted.

"Haven't you heard?" Caswell asked. "Quatro's gonna be here!"

Caswell showed you his duel pad.

Suddenly you felt uneasy.

"Whose Quatro?" Yuma asked.

"One of the best duelist in the world!" Bronk exclaimed. "He rules! Quatro faced off against Shark in the finals last year!"

"We must be cautious when dealing with this individual Yuma," Astral said.

"Yeah I agree with Astral this guy is giving me a weird vibe," you agreed.

"Quatro just challenged me and Bronk to duel! Isn't that awesome?" Caswell asked.

"You guys should turn him down... someone told me he doesn't always play by the rule book," Yuma said.

"He is one of the most honest duelist you will ever meet!" Bronk defended.

"This duel is a dream come true! He's our hero! Loosing to him will be a tremendous honor!" Caswell said as literal hearts appeared in his eyes.

"Come on were going to be late!" Bronk said.

"Oh yeah! I almost forgot!" Caswell said.

"Move it or lose it second place!" Bronk said.


"Wait! we're coming too!" Yuma exclaimed. You all followed after Bronk and Caswell.

They lead you to an old construction site.

"This is a weird place to host a duel," you said.

"Quatro picked this spot, probably wanted some place quite away from his fans," Caswell said.

"Really? Because he looked like a stuck up jerk to me," you muttered.

"Yeah that makes sense," Bronk agreed with Caswell.

Arlo started growling. You kneeled down next to him, trying to figure out why he was so agitated.

"What's going on buddy?" you asked.


"Guys I really don't think this is a good idea," you said.

"What why what's wrong?" Bronk asked.

"Well first off Arlo is getting defensive and that never happens unless there is danger," you replied.

"Nonsense! Arlo's just a dog, I doubt he could actually sense danger like that," Caswell brushed if off. You were baffled by the arrogance, but couldn't say anything else before HE had showed up.

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