Chapter 21

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You woke up early the next morning. You felt refreshed and ready for the day. You got off the couch and started preparing for the day.

Now that Trey is gone it was going to be very lonely. You pushed the thought away as you got ready to go to the store. You headed out with Arlo behind you.

When you returned home you went to preparing food for everyone.

Around noon you heard a knock at the door.

"Huh, but it's only noon," you hummed. You set down the knife then headed to the front door.

You opened the door to see Kari, Yuma, Grandma Haru and Lilibot.

"Hey sorry we're early, we thought you may want help setting up," Kari said.

"Oh yeah! It's very appreciated," you smiled.

With the help of Yuma's family you got stuff done a lot more quickly.

The first ones to show up were Tori and Bronk, then it was Cathy, Caswell, and Flip. Now you were just waiting on Kite and Hart.

"He's running late," Yuma crossed his arms.

"He'll be here Yuma, calm down," you said.

"You think he chickened out?" Yuma asked.

"Yuma your as intimidating as a kitten in a wet paper bag," Astral said.

"Astral that was so mean!" Tori exclaimed.

"He's always making sarcastic comments like that," you said.

"Wait you can see him!?" you and Yuma exclaimed in unison.

"Yeah I don't know how but I can!" Tori smiled.

"Maybe it is because Tori has viewed so many of our duels," Astral suggested.



"I'll be back," you said as you walked to the front door.

"Sorry were late," Hart apologized as you opened the door.

"It's alright, we were starting to think Kite got scared," you said with a sly smirk.

"Yuma will wish," Kite said.

"Yeah, yeah, get you butts in here we got plenty of food and drinks," you said. Hart stepped into the house and smiled, but you stopped Kite just before he followed Hart. You whispered, "how are you feeling?"

"I'm fine," Kite said.

"Fine, but I'll be keeping my eye on you," you said.

"You worry too much," Kite said as he gently pat your head.

"And you push yourself too far," you retaliated, but Kite had already walked in. You followed behind him.

"Kite! Are you ready for the duel of your life?" Yuma asked. Yuma's eyes sparkled with excitement.

"Are you ready to loose?" Kite asked.

"Ha in your dreams!" Yuma smiled.

You all made to your way to the back yard were the food and drinks had been set up. Everyone got there duel gazers set up and the duel started.

You hate to say it but you weren't surprised when Kite won the duel, but Yuma didn't seem to upset.

Kite walked over to Yuma and let out his hand.

"I'll duel you again but you need to improve first," Kite said.

"You can count on it!" Yuma smiled as Kite helped him up. "Alright whose next!?"

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