Chapter 17

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"So how do I look?" You stepped out of the bathroom. Trey looked at you in awe. 

"Amazing!" He smiled. 

"Thank you," you hummed. You checked the time. "Ah! I gotta get going." 

"Right be safe Y/n!" Trey walked you to the door. 

"You can count on it," you hummed as you did one last check in the mirror. "Remember leftovers are in the fridge if you get hungry."

"Don't worry about me," Trey said. "Go have fun." 

"Right, I'm sorry that you can't come," you said.

"It's okay I understand its to risky," Trey hummed," now goooo." 

Trey urged you out the door. You gave out a soft chuckle. 

"Okay, okay, I'm going," you said. Trey closed the door behind you. You started to make your way to the gates of Heartland. Better hurry especially since you have the invitation. Yuma had left it behind at lunch.

When you got to the entrance you could see Yuma having trouble with the security guards. 

"I swear I'm a finalist!" Yuma cried. 

"He is I can confirm it," you said as you pulled out the invitation. The security guards looked at you shocked. 

"Wait how come you have the invitation!" One of the guards yell. 

"You see my dear cousin here asked me to hang onto it since he loses things very often," you said. 

"You got lucky this time kid!" The other guard snapped as he took the invitation from you. 

"Y/n you're a life saver!" Yuma exclaimed as you and the others started to walk down the red carpet. 

"Yeah we would of been so toast without you!" Caswell exclaims.

"How did you even have Yuma's letter?" Tori asked. 

"He left it at lunch the other day," you said. 

"Thankfully you saw it," Bronk said. 

When you got in the place was so lively. 

Once Yuma and the others were distracted you slipped off to find Kite. Yuma had told you Kite was the one that really saved you and brought you back to him.

Your first instincts

"Lets have a little chat."

You gasped as you were met with the familiar red-violet eyes.

"Listen, I really don't have time," you said, you looked back over to see Kite and Quinton gone.

"All I need to know is where my brother is," Quatro said.

"What?! How would I know that?" you asked.

"Trey went to go and see Yuma, while I don't think he could do anything. But after seeing what you can do I have no doubt you could of done something," Quatro leaned in.


"No! I would never hurt him!" you pushed him away. Some people looked at you and some slightly whispered.

Your heart was racing, how many people were looking at you?

You felt a tingling in your palms. You knew you had to get out of there.

You ran past Quatro and headed for the stairs. These heels were not good for running. Was he chasing after you? You didn't bother looking back. You went to the first balcony that you had seen. Your heart was racing.

You took a few deep breaths and fanned your face hardly realizing that someone else was on the balcony with you.

"You okay?"

"Eeek!" You looked up to see Kite. You sighed softly," yeah I'm okay. I just ran into Quatro. Then panicked and ran away."

"I don't blame you," Kite sighed," not after..."

Kite didn't finish the sentence.

"I don't remember much from that night," you sighed.

"I see," Kite sighed. You could notice his stress.

"Come on lets ditch this party for a few, get away from the people," you headed to the stairs that lead to the garden. Kite sighed and followed you down the steps. You took your shoes off and let your feet relax.

"If you're just going to take the shoes off why did you wear them?" Kite asked.

"Because they compliment the outfit," you hummed. "But enough about that how's Hart is he okay?"

"He's fine thanks to you," Kite said.

"Good, and how are you doing? You seem really stressed," you said.

"I'm fine," Kite said.

"I'm sure," you said sarcastically.

"Now I got a question for you," Kite said as you both came to a stop in the middle of the garden. You dropped your shoes.

"Hm?" you cocked your head to the side.

"Why did you give yourself up for Hart?" Kite asked.

"It was the only way to get him back to you," you said.

"But you got hurt yourself," Kite replied.

"It's fine, I promised Hart I would get you two back together," you shrugged. "I know how important he is to you. And you to him."

"But I have been nothin but a jerk to you! Hell I literally kidnapped you!" Kite exclaimed. You could see the frustration in Kite's eyes.

"I know...," you looked away sadly.

"I don't understand you! I don't understand...!" Kite just said out of frustration.

"Sure we got off to a rough start, but I don't think you and I are that different," you said.

"Huh?" Kite hummed.

"Before I met Yuma... I lived a very plain life...It was just me and Arlo, and for you it's just you and Hart. I know what it's like to be completely alone with not much, but it doesn't have to be like that! You and I... we could have each other! And Hart!" You smiled. You walked over and grabbed one of the flowers that had happened to fall off the bush. You stepped back over to Kite, and offered the flower out. "You don't have to be friendly with Yuma. I'm not expecting that... But I want to be here for you... and for Hart."

Kite gently set his hands under yours. Your cheeks lit up slightly, but so did his.

"I'm not good with people," Kite sighed. He took the flower and set it in your hair. You gently gripped his hand. "But I guess I can try and make an exception. "

"I'm glad," you hummed softly.

"Anyway we should head back inside before anyone notices that your gone," Kite said as he let go of your hands.

"Ah that's right," you nodded. You slipped your shoes back on and you two headed back to the balcony.

Just as you headed back inside a voice cut you off. 

"Who are you exactly?" 

You turned to see Dextra. 

"Y/n," you replied. 

"You know Kite isn't interested in you right?" Dextra said in a sassy tone. 

"Okay," you said awkwardly. "Not that I'm interested in him either."

"And he's never had a real relationship," Dextra added. 

"Thanks for the info," you said. You met back up with Yuma and the others. 

"Where have you been?" Yuma asked. 

"Just looking around," you shrugged.

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