Chapter 13

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The sun was setting on the second day of the world duel carnival. You, Yuma, and Tori went to a candy shop. Tori and Yuma piked out a few things and Yuma paid. You got a box of poky yourself, but you didn't have Yuma pay.

"Hey Y/n you gonna head home now?" Yuma asked. "If not you should totally come eat with us!"

"You know, I don't really feel like cooking tonight so I'll take you on that offer," you said.



Beep! Honk!

"Huh? What's going on?" Tori mumbled as you all looked ahead. There was a little boy blue hair just walking down the street.

"That's Kite's little brother!" Yuma exclaimed.

"What? Yuma hold this," you handed Yuma the box of Poky.

"Y/n What are you doing?" Yuma exclaimed as you ran out into traffic after the little boy. You had various cars honk at you.

"Hey buddy this is not a fun place to play," you said. His lifeless eyes seemed to bounce back as he looked up at you and his bags were gone.

"Who are you?" he asked.

"Lets get out of the street first," you said. You grabbed his hand and lead him to the side walk.

"Y/n! Are you okay?" Yuma and Tori ran up to you two.

"Yep I'm alright," you nodded.

"Y/n?" the little boy asked.

"Yep, that's my name. What's yours?" you asked.

"Hart," the boy said softly.

"It's nice to meet you Hart," you smiled.

"It's nice to-" Hart's eyes suddenly went dull again and the bags under his eyes returned.

"Hart?" you hummed.

"You're a good healer...," he mumbled.

"Healer?" you echoed. Hart didn't elaborate instead he looked up at Astral.

"You look cold," Hart said.

"Hate to break it to you little dude but your the one that looks cold," you said as you took off your jacket and wrapped it around him.

"Can you see me?" Astral asked.

"Who are you?" Hart asked.

"My name is Astral," Astral replied.

"Astral," there was some recognition in Hart's voice.

"Do you know something about me?" Astral asked.

Hart went silent.

"Yuma we must investigate Hart further," Astral said.

"You think that's a good idea? Remember who his older brother is!" Yuma exclaimed.

"But as long as you have me with you, you'll be fine," you said.

"Are you sure?" Yuma asked.

"Yeah," you nodded. "Come on Hart."

Hart grabbed your hand and you made your way to Yuma's house.

When you got to Yuma's house Hart stuck next to your side.

"He really seems to like you Y/n," Yuma said.

"Yeah, he does," you nodded.

"Now Hart how is it that you can see me?" Astral asked.

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