Chapter 9

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By the time you got home you were exhausted. Arlo greeted you warmly as you walked inside.

"Hi buddy," you mumbled.

Arlo wagged his tail and ran to the back door. You yawned and opened the back door for him.

When he came back inside you and Arlo went to bed.

You were woken up by your alarm going off. You just turned it off and went back to sleep. You really didn't care if you had school today. You would just skip school.

You woke up back around noon, you had various texts from Yuma.

Yuma: Hey are you at school today? We had another Kite situation. He tried to accesses mine and Astral's memories.

You: I went back to sleep... and are you two okay?

Yuma: Were fine! You feeling okay?

You: Yeah, I was just really tired and didn't feel like going to school. I also wanted to figure out this bracelet thing that Kite attached to me.

Yuma: Hey we could totally come over after school and assist!

You: Are you sure?

Yuma: Of course! See you after school!

"Well I guess we have guests coming over after school," you told Arlo. Arlo rolled over and wagged his tail. You got out of bed and started your wake up routine.

You got comfortable on the couch with a cup of tea. You examined the bracelet.

What does it do?

Not that it's harmed you in any way. It was just weird.

But knowing Kite there was a further intention.

Around three you decided to make yourself and the others snacks. You were sure that it'd be a long school day. About three thirty is when everyone arrived. Yuma, Bronk and Tori arrived.

"Hey come on in! I got snacks and drinks!" You smiled as you opened the door.

"Oh wow your home is so nice Y/n," Yuma admired the interior.

"Thank you!" You smiled. Arlo ran up to the three greeting them with a wagging tail.

"So lets get a quick snack and get to figuring out this bracelet!" Yuma exclaimed. You all went to the dinning room table where you had snacks and drinks.

"I wasn't sure what everyone liked, so I tried to have a variety," you said.

"Oh wow this is amazing Y/n!" Tori beamed just before she popped a grape into her mouth.

"So has the bracelet actually done anything?" Yuma asked. You looked at it and sighed.

"No, but I'm sure Kite put it on me for a reason," you replied.

"Yeah, seems like a shady guy if you ask me," Bronk said.

"He can be, but I think I'm starting to understand him more," you said.

"Understand him more? Oh that's right! You met Kite even before I did!" Yuma commented.

"I did, I had forgotten Arlo ran out of dog food that morning so I went to the closest convenient store. On my way home is when I ran into him, but I was able to avoid him then. Then there was the second time and that's when I met you and then the third time when we discovered his little duel anchor trick doesn't work on me, and somehow Orbital's field is also defective towards me, and finally there was yesterday," you explained.

"Well no wonder he's interested in you. You keep getting away," Bronk commented.

"Wait go back to the duel anchor and field part," Yuma said. "When did that happen?"

"The morning of spirit day," you hummed. "I honestly didn't feel like running so I just let the duel anchor wrap and it shattered, and by that time I had also given you the number card so I shouldn't have been able to move in Orbital's field. "

Yuma looked you amazed.

"So you're just like immune to all his tricks," Yuma commented.

"I wouldn't say immune, I've just gotten lucky is all," you replied.

"I think it may be more then luck," Tori smiled softly.

"I wonder if it has something to do with your mysterious past," Yuma said.

"I couldn't say," you shrugged.

After you were done snacking you got to trying to crack this bracelet.

First you tried pulling in opposite directions, then shattering it, burning it, scratching it, and so many more methods.

"What is this thing made of?" Bronk asked. after another failed attempt.

"I have no idea, but it's getting late. Maybe you guys should head home," you said.

"But we haven't gotten it off yet," Yuma said.

"Ah, it's alright... I don't know what it may be doing but right now it seems harmless," you said," so I can live with it."

"Are you sure?" Yuma asked.

"Yeah it'll be okay," you nodded.

"Well alright, we'll see you at school then tomorrow?" Yuma hummed as you walked them to the door.

"Definitely," You nodded. You bid the three a good night as you closed the door behind them.

"Oh Arlo, what am I going to do?" you hummed and looked down at your wrist.

*Kite's Pov*

"Th-th-th-they're really trying to get this b-b-b-braclet off!" Orbital exclaimed. Y/n vitals, energy readings, bracelet status and location all showed on the computer. After I realized Y/n could avoid my duel anchor and Orbital's field I guess you could say they became a little passion project. They weren't normal that much was obvious and that bracelet should be able to tell me what's different about them. If not I'm sure Y/n will get desperate enough for answers that they'll come right to me. Then that's when I'll question them.

"They can try, but I don't think Y/n will get very far," I smirked then left.

I will figure out who you are. 

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