Chapter 7

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It had seemed like a normal school day but you couldn't have been more wrong.

"Does anyone know where Mr. Kay's room is?" Mr Tanaka asked.

"I do!" you raised you hand.

"Do you mind taking this to him?" Mr Tanaka asked. You got up and retrieved the paper.

Heading to Mr. Kay's class you couldn't shake this nervous feeling.

"Knock! Knock!" you smiled as you entered Mr. Kay's room. He was at his desk typing something.

"Y/n what a pleasant surprise! What brings you here?" Mr Kay asked as you approached his desk.

"Special delivery!" you smiled and handed him the paper.

"Ah next weeks quiz answer key. Thank you!" He smiled.

"Awe man should of taken a picture for Yuma," you laughed lightly. Mr Kay chuckled as well.

"You seem a lot more happier," Mr Kay suddenly commented.

"I feel it," you admitted," ever since I met Yuma... I don't feel so lonely anymore..."

"I can see that. You used to always keep your head down and never make eye contact," Mr Kay said.

"I still struggle with it, but I feel I'm getting better," you smiled.

"And your smile seems more genuine now," Mr Kay added.

"I guess Yuma has that affect," you hummed," anyway I should get back to class."

"Yep, have a good day Y/n," Mr Kay said.

"You too!" you smiled.

You exited the room and started to make your way back to your class.

Then you saw it.

The moving trash can and the mischievous little robot.

Orbital entered the boys locker room.

If Orbital is close does that mean Kite is as well?

You went to follow after him but just before you did a second year with purple hair stopped you. You recognized him immediately, Reginald Kastle, or better known as Shark.

"Hey man wait, lets see what this robot wants first," Shark said.

"Oh I have an idea," you replied then entered the locker room. Shark following behind you.

Orbital had Yuma's pendant in his hand.

"Yeah I'm just going to confiscate that," you said and snatched the key.

"Y-Y-Y-You!" Orbital exclaimed.

"Nice to see you too," you said sarcastically.

"You know this robot?" Shark asked.

"We've met a few times," you nodded. "Is Kite around?"

"I-I-I don't have to a-a-answer that!" Orbital yelled as he started to transform into a battle bot.

"This is where we run," You said, you grabbed Shark's wrist and ran out of the locker room with him. You let go of Shark's wrist.


Orbital was hot on your guys case.

You had to think fast.

"Got any ideas?" Shark asked.

"Yeah, one, but were going to have to split up," you said. You pulled the string from the pendant. Then you pulled out a few pencils from your pocket wrapped the strings around them and tied it together. "Follow me."

Shark nodded and followed you.

"Were approaching the stairs, when I hand this to you, go up and I'll go down. It'll look like I'm handing the pendant to you, but really it'll still be with me," you said.

"Got it," Shark agreed.

Then just as you got to the stairs you handed Shark the bundle of pencils and ran down. Just as you had planned Orbital followed Shark instead of you.

You stopped at the bottom of the stairs catching your breath for a minute. You looked down at the pendant in your hand.

Now where do you go from here? Obviously Kite will notice that's not actually the pendant and he would probably very quickly realize that it was you.

*Kite's Pov*

Taking the soul from Yuma's friend I cursed under my breath realizing that he didn't have a number. Oh well at least I can still get the pendant. I walked over to him, only to see a string wrapped around a few pencils.

"Shark! What did you do to him! He's really hurt!" Yuma exclaimed as him and his little squad made it to the roof.

"Orbital was there anyone else with him?" I asked ignoring Yuma completely.

"U-U-uh!" Orbital started.

"Spit it out!" I commanded.

"It's the one that's been g-g-g-g-giving us t-t-t-trouble since we first met them," Orbital said.

"Then we need to find them now!" I snapped.

"R-r-right!" Orbital said.

I swear this person is going to be the death of me. First the shatter the duel anchor now this...

Who are you Y/n?

*Normal Pov*

Not really having any other choice you found a way to leave school early. Just as you were leaving school the weather started to get all weird.

Now wasn't the time to question it.

All you had to do now was stay under the radar until you were able to evade Kite and see Yuma again.

Which shouldn't be too hard.


"I'll keep you safe Astral," you muttered.

"You have been a real pain, you know that?"

You tensed up and turned around.

"Can I help you?" you asked just to be faced with an angry number hunter.

"I need that little key that you're hiding," Kite replied. "And you yourself are a mystery."

"I don't know what you're talking about," you replied. "I'm just on my way home because I am sick."

Oh you were so screwed.

"Y-Y-Y-You thief!" Orbital exclaimed.

"Oh that's a bold statement!" you exclaimed looking at him.

"Listen I'll give you a choice, come with us willingly or by force," Kite said.

"Are you threatening a kidnapping?" you asked. You were just trying to stall. Kite looked at you unamused.

"I'll do what I have to," he said.

You had Astral on you... you couldn't risk anything, but you didn't know how you were getting out of this situation.

You found yourself slowly backing up, but as you stepped back Kite would step towards you.


Kite smirked as he grabbed your wrist and wrapped an arm around your waist.

"Got you," he smirked.

Without hesitation Kite picks you up bridal style and flew off immediately.

You didn't even have a minute to think.

You inhaled a breathe as you got higher and higher. You closed your eyes, not wanting to look down.  

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