Chapter 14

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After Kite flew off you, Yuma, Tori, Arlo and Astral started looking through the city.

"Man I can't believe we gave Hart to some stranger while he's sick," Tori said.

"You two didn't know, it'll be okay. We'll find him," you said.

"You think so?" Yuma asked.

"I know it," you said. Astral suddenly stopped.

"Everything okay?" Yuma asked.

"It's Hart," Astral replied. Astral went silent again. It looked like he was listening intensely. "The moon in the water by a white castle."

"Moon in the water? White Castle?" Yuma questioned.

"Hmmm, I think I got it," Tori said. She pulled out her duel pad and showed the two of you an old museum.

"It would make sense," Yuma nodded.

"Right then lets get going," you said. You pulled out your duel gazer and called Kite. "We think we know where Hart is."

"Great, I'll just use your bracelet to follow you," Kite said then hung up.

"It's a tracker!?" You exclaimed as you looked down at your wrist. You didn't have too much time to think about it.

When you got to the museum Kite was just a few minutes behind you.

"Are you sure this is the place?" Kite asked.

"You think I would lead you astray?" you replied.

"This is no time for your sarcasm," Kite said.

"Yes, I'm sure this is the place," you sighed. The gates suddenly opened and the bridge lifted.

"Looks like Hart's captors are inviting us in," Astral said.

"Then lets go at em deck to deck," Yuma said.

"I'm going in alone," Kite said as he let out his arm.

"No you're not," you said and ducked under Kite's arm and ran. Arlo following behind you.

"Y/n! You idiot!" Kite yelled as he ran after you.

"You can insult me later," you replied.

When you got in the place was in complete ruin.

"There's no one here!" Yuma exclaimed.

"Hart's gotta be around here somewhere," Kite said. Arlo sniffed the ground.

"You got Hart's scent buddy?" you asked.

Arlo started to run off.

"Good," you followed behind him. As you got to the stairs the doors slammed shut. You stopped and looked behind you. Quatro and Trey had cut Yuma and Kite off from following you.

"Kite, Yuma," you said.

"Don't worry about us! Go find Hart!" Kite exclaimed.

"Alright! I promise to bring him back safely!" you yelled as you and Arlo continued on your way.

Arlo lead you up the stairs and down a long hall. As you got closer you saw a large set of double doors. You picked up an old spear from one of the abandoned exhibits. Arlo sat at the door then he looked at you.

"He's behind here isn't he buddy?" you asked.

Arlo scratched at the door. You nodded. then kicked in the double doors, but what you weren't expecting was someone to be waiting for you.

He swung, but you quickly ducked and rolled out of the way.

You saw Hart and...

"Vetrix?!" you exclaimed. They were on this weird crest symbol.

"I would focus on yourself," the guy who attacked you said. You jabbed your spear towards him as he walked towards you. Arlo also grabbing onto his tail coat.

"What are you doing to Hart!?" You asked. You glanced back over at him.

"That's none of your business," he replied. You and Arlo both got knocked back by an unknown force. Then you saw it. The crest on his forehead. You quickly got back up.

Your best method of attack may just be to find a way to shut down that crest thing on the floor, so that's what you went towards. The guy realizing this used the power of the crest again knocking you back down. He walked over to you. He kicked your spear to the side.

"Stand down you're fighting a loosing battle," he growled.

"No, I won't I made a promise to Kite and Hart," you said as you stood back up.

"Then I will keep knocking you down!" He glared down at you as the crest threw you back further from Hart and keeping Arlo away from you.

"Then I'll keep getting back up," You mumbled as you pushed yourself up once more. Looking irritated he knocked you down again.

You got back up once more.

"Stay down! You should of been out cold by now!" He exclaimed. You had to think of something else and quick.

'Come on Y/n... ah that's it!'

You reached behind you into your bag.

Concerned he walked towards you.

You pulled out your umbrella, it was one of those ones where you clicked the button and it would extend.

Then Bam!

You hit the guy square in the face. He jumped back now holding his bleeding nose.

This was your chance. You ran towards Hart. The second your foot hit the crest on the floor it shattered. Sending a high surge of energy and knocking you back onto the stairs.

"My, My, My, look who it is! My good pal Y/n!" Vetrix smirked as he walked towards you. Arlo ran to you.

"Give Hart back," you panted. Your energy was running low and your eyes were starting to become foggy on you. Vetrix chuckled.

"Alright! On one condition!" Vetrix smiled.

"And what's that?" you asked.

"You take his place! Hart may be powerful, but you! You have so much more power running through you. You were able to break the crest without even trying!" Vetrix smiled.

"I take Hart's place you give him back to Kite?" you questioned. Arlo whined not liking the circumstances.

"Promise," Vetrix nodded. You closed our eyes accepting your fate.

"Arlo, go to Yuma. I'm sure he'll take care of you while I'm gone," you sighed. Arlo whined once more and nudged you.

"I'm so glad you see things my way! Quinton go return Hart! We have something of higher value now!" Vetrix exclaimed. "Oh and retrieve your brothers."

"Arlo, go, don't worry about me," you said. Arlo gave you puppy eyes as he reluctantly left.

"You're doing the right thing, now get some sleep, we'll have fun when you wake up," Vetrix said as he set a hand on your shoulder. You could feel the drowsiness wash over you and soon everything had gone dark. 

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