Chapter 15

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*Kite's Pov*

Yuma and I were halfway trough the duel when we got interrupted.

"Trey, Quatro, you've done enough."

"Quinton!" Trey exclaimed

He was holding Hart. Arlo just a little behind him, but I didn't see Y/n. They didn't... did they?

"What do you mean?" Quatro asked as he looked back.

"We have someone of higher value now," Quinton said.

"But we haven't even finished the duel!" Quatro argued.

"It doesn't matter! Vetrix ordered me to get you two and return Hart!" Quinton said firmly

Quatro and Trey ended the duel. Arlo ran over to Yuma. Quinton returned Hart. I held onto Hart tightly.

"Hold on just a minute where is Y/n!" Yuma yelled.

"Consider Hart returning as an exchange," Quinton said.

"What are you going to do to them!?" Yuma asked. Quinton ignored Yuma as he somehow disappeared. Along with Trey and Quatro. "Y/n!"

"Yuma!" Tori ran over to Yuma.

"They took Y/n," Yuma said.

"Don't worry about them," I said.

"Bold of you to say! Y/n gave themselves up for Hart!" Yuma exclaimed.

"I'm aware, so don't assume I'm not going to do anything about it," I said, " I just need to get Hart back home. So don't worry."

"Kite... then let me help," Yuma said.

"No, last thing I need is you getting in my way," I said. "I'll contact you once their safe."

"Wait hold on! But-!" Yuma called but I was already off.

"Orbital, pull up Y/n vitals, how are they doing?" I asked.

"Calculating... Unconscious right now sir, other then that they seem to be fine for now," Orbital replied.

"Good," I mumbled.

When we got to Heartland Tower I got Hart back to bed.

"Be... careful...," Hart muttered before I left his room.

"I will be Hart," I said.

"Did you get Hart back?" Nistro asked as I was walking down the hall.

"He's in bed," I said.

"Then where are you off to?" Nistro asked.

"Don't worry about it," I said.

*Normal Pov*

You woke up on a couch... your wrists were cuffed together.

Your head was pounding.

What happened again?

"Mmm," you hummed and used your elbows to push yourself up. You had multiple scratches and bruises covering your arms and legs. You must of gotten them while you were fighting Quinton.

You looked around the room. You were on a couch. In front of you was a table and above you was a chandelier?

The door opened, you looked over to see Quatro and Trey.

That's right you gave yourself up for Hart.

"Alright good you're awake. Let's go," Quatro said. He walked over to you and linked his arm with yours. He dragged you along with you. You reluctantly followed. Quatro lead you down the hallway, Trey following slightly behind.

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