Chapter 4

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After Master Roku had ushered you all off to bed, you couldn't find yourself being able to fall asleep. You kept seeing the recognition in Dark Magician girl's eyes. Why did she recognize you? How did she recognize you?

You sighed and sat up. Tori, Yuma, Bronk and Arlo were all fast asleep.

You got up quietly and went back to the room with the statues. You walked over to Dark Magician Girl and just sat in front of her.

"What did you see?" you asked.

Of course no response. You sat there thinking and just starring. Trying to desperately dig into your memories but nothing...

"Maybe I was just seeing things," You sighed and stood back up and turned around only to be greeted by Master Roku. "How long were you standing there?"

"Long enough to know that something is troubling you," Master Roku replied.

"It's not that big of a deal," you shrugged.

"You say that but do you truly believe it?" Master Roku asked. You looked away. Master Roku sighed then said," you've had a rough hand dealt to you."

"Huh?" you hummed.

"I can see the look in your eyes, you've struggled quite a bit," Master Roku said.

"Struggled? Nah! My life has been a slice of cake!" you smiled falsely. This conversation was getting to personal for your liking. "Anyways, I should get back to bed. Goodnight!"

"If you ever need someone to open up to you can always come to me," Master Roku said just before you left the room.

Still not sleeping well the rest of the night you were woken up by the others moving around.

"Mmm," You hummed as you opened your tired eyes.

Arlo whined and liked the side of your face.

"Arlo...," you mumbled. "Mmm."

You sat up slowly rubbing your tired eyes.

"You look rough," Bronk commented. You stretched out with a yawn.

"I'm alright," you shrug. You got up then let Arlo outside. You cleaned up after him if you could then headed back inside.

Master Roku told you all that you were welcomed to leave, but Yuma had other plans.

Yuma went to the statue room and started cleaning the statues.

"I thought we were supposed to catch a movie today?" Bronk sighed.

"You guys go ahead, I think I'm going to stick around a little longer these statues aren't going to clean themselves," Yuma said.

"In that case I'll whip up some breakfast!" Tori smiled.

"Wait but-supposed to go to a movie," Bronk grumbled. He got himself comfortable against one of the pillars.

"I'll sweep the floors then," you said as you ran out and grabbed a broom. You and Yuma worked in silence.

That was until the doors suddenly opened.

A tall man stood there. He had a duel disk on along with a sword.

"Yuma! Y/n! Get away from him!" Master Roku yelled.

"Who is he?" Yuma asked.

"Kaze, one of my former students. He's after the legendary deck," Master Roku explained.

"That day has finally come. Where's the deck?" Kaze asked.

"I think I accidentally threw it away?" Master Roku replied.

"You think I'm joking?" Kaze boomed.

"Your spirit has been corrupted by darkness you don't even deserve to look at the legendary deck!" Master Roku yelled.

"Ah!" Kaze let out a frustrated yell, and this is when your brain went on auto piolet. "I'll destroy everything here if I have to!"

"I won't let you hurt them!" You exclaimed. You used the broom handle to stop Kaze from swinging down on the statue.

The broom split in half but this wasn't over yet.

You used the smaller half of the broom handle to hit Kaze's right wrist making him drop his sword. You kicked it off to the side then used the bushy part of the broom to knock him off his feet.

"Stand down," you said firmly as you pointed one of the broken ends at him.

The room was silent, everyone starred at you in wonder. Even Kaze seemed shocked to be knocked down by a child. But it didn't last too long as he snapped out of his shock. He rolled to the left and grabbed his sheath but before he could do anything Arlo bit onto his coat with a deep growl. While Kaze was distracted you knocked the sheath out of his hand.

"Just who exactly are you?" Kaze said scowled at you.

"Names Y/n L/n," you replied. Arlo now stood by your side ready to defend you.

"Your swords men skills are quite impressive for someone your age," Kaze commented. "Where were you taught?"

Your brain started to go fuzzy on you. Where... Where did you learn?

Why couldn't you remember...?

Your vision started to get fuzzy and before you knew it you were being greeted by the floor boards.

Then it all went dark.


"Ah she's so cute!" You were being hugged by someone.

"Ah! Careful she's a... human," a young male voice said whispering the end part.

"I see so that's why you came to us," a deep male voice said.

"Yes, we need to send her home, she can't stay here," another older male said.

"Well I can't tell you how long it will take. First things first we gotta figure out how she even got here."

You were released from your hug but you still couldn't make too much out, just a pair of blue eyes.

"Do you remember how you got here?" she asked.

"I... uh...," you were silent. No, no you didn't. You shook your head no.

"I'm sure we'll figure it out Y/n," the small boy said.

Your vision was becoming more and more clear. The one whom had been hugging you was dark magician girl. Dark Magician stood off to the side but then there were still two monsters you didn't recognize. One seemed to be about your age, he had pure black wings, white hair and red eyes. The other was a lot older, had white and red armor and blue eyes.

"I think her memories are getting warped," Dark Magician now said. The world around you started cracking.

"Memories, wait what! Hold on I need more answers then just that!" you exclaimed. The scene around you started to fall apart.

The four monsters started to glitch and disappear.



"Who am I!?" You exclaimed as you jumped up. Arlo, Astral, Tori, Bronk and Yuma all jumped and looked at you.

"Eh, sorry didn't mean to scare you guys," you said.

"Are you okay?" Tori was the first to ask.

"Yeah! Yeah, I'm fine. Wait what happened to that Kaze guy?" you asked.

"Calm down, everything is okay," Yuma said.

"So everything is okay?" you asked.

"Yep, after you passed out I dueled Kaze and he turned over a new leaf. My grandma and Kari even showed up!" Yuma smiled.

"I'm glad everyone's okay," you sighed.

After recovering form your black out you all decided it was time to head home.

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