1. Meeting Eddie Munson

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"Zee hurry up you're actually taking years to get ready! I've never seen someone go so slow before and my grandma can't even walk" Steve yelled from his car tapping his fingers impatiently for the girl to speed up and collect her belongings for school.

Steve honked his horn getting relentless after the minute.
"Okay okay I'm coming" I yell back frustrated with his impatient attitudes. "Hurry hurry hurry" he says in a whisper shout pulling open the car door for the girl as she steps inside. "We have 20 minutes to spare dingus, why you fussing?" Robin asks looking at the boy while rolling her eyes.

"Yea i know but I need to tell you and Zee about Heidi. It's important" he adds looking in his wind mirror reversing after checking that the road was clear. "Ohhh, she's the one from the movies right?" Robin asks looking at him before beginning to apply her makeup. "No no that's Sarah, gee Robin it's not hard" I say laughing at the pair. "Gosh no the movie girl was Becky" Steve inputs cause the two of us to giggle.

"Heidi is tomorrow night, but the problem with Heidi is that she's going out of state for college. So it's like, do I wanna start another relationship that has no point other than sex?" He states huffing in confusion. "Yea" i say as robin adds "no" . "Not helping guys" Steve says in frustration at us pair, uninterested with the conversation I begin applying my black nail polish. "I mean I don't know. Does that make sense to you?" Suddenly there's a loud pause of silence.

"Robin, Zee are you listening?" He shouts annoyed at our ignorance to the conversation. "Uh yes" Robin continues as she adds her eyeliner to her right eye.
"Zee what did I say" he says pissed. My eyes go wide, thinking if the first thing that came to my head. "Something about sex with Linda?" I question as he looks at me dumbfounded.
"NO I'm talking about Heidi" he says before slowly driving quicker to hide his annoyance.

"Cut us some slack please" Robin says looking up from her mirror. "Your love life is one of labyrinthe complexity, and it is 7;00 in the morning, we have the stupid prep rally and I woke up looking like a corpse" she yells in frustration at the boy. "Yeah right sure you're not worried about Vickie" I taunt at the girl before I get a slap around the arm. "I call bullshit" I add looking at Steve who nods his head in agreement. "Absolutely not" she replies clearly lying.

"Yes it is and you know what else I think" I continue taunting the helpless girl. "You gotta stop pretending to be someone you're not when you're with her" I say sighing down. "Couldn't have said it better" Steve says agreeing with my statement. "You gotta be yourself" Steve adds furthering the point even more. "You're literally quoting me to me you do realise that" she says fighting her own side. "Then listen to your self" I huff before laying back in The back seat. They continue arguing for a while until the conversation gets interesting.

"She returned fast Times paused at 53 minutes and five seconds. Do you know who poses fast time is it 53 minutes and five seconds. People who like boobies" Steve yells continuing the conversation. Which causes me to laugh.
"Ew" she says which makes me laugh further.

"Don't say boobies" she yells frustrated and annoyed before Turing back to me shutting up my laughter. "It's not a big deal okay. I like boobies, you like boobies, Vickie likes boobies" Steve states enthusiastically, before I add "definitely".
As we continue the drive, Steve drops us off back at the high school, which I have to attend. For school due to skipping 2 semesters years back. And failing to complete the years.

One of the teachers who I'm unfamiliar with escorts us all to the gym. Robin and Steve go their own ways and I walk down on my own. Students pile out of the thick yellow busses on the patio of the school. That's when max leaves. "Max, max" I hear as the unfamiliar teacher speaks to the ginger haired girl. I was too far away to understand their conversation however I'm sure that they're talking about counselling. Ever since Billy died, max has been taking lessons with the counsellor to cope with the trauma.

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