15. Your last name

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Sorry but the title... ahhhhh this is the final chapter guys! However, it's been a great journey with you all. Imma make other books if you want so pls comment any characters from any fan base and I'll think about writing one. Anyway let's get on, because...

It's a rocky chapter.

(there is a twist btw so stay put)

TW: reader may experience pain and shock. Please be wary. May cause death!

•<>•Play song at designated time•<>•

We leave the trailer, me eddie and Dustin gliding down the steps. Following the group infront of us. "Hey guys listen" Steve states in a voice meaning he's been thinking about his words for a while now. "If things here start to go south, I mean, at all, you abort." He continues. I look at him weirdly.

"Steve we will be fine!" I roll my eyes before he speaks again. "Draw the attention of that bats. Keep em busy for a minute or two, we'll take care of vecna don't try to be cute or be a hero or something. You guys are just-"

"Decoys!" Dustin exclaims as we've heard the plan a million times already. Nothings going to go wrong.
"Don't worry, you can be the hero Steve!" I say laughing as Steve smile drops. What's he so concerned for?

"Absolutely i mean, look at us. We are not hero's" eddie breathes out before looking down upon me. A small smile creeping onto his features. "We are hero's." I say nonchalantly before nodding my head in force. "Nah!" Eddie jokes sarcastically before looking at me again. No emotion. "Im serious eddie, we are hero's!" I whisper shout before me and Dustin break out into song and dance.

"We are hero's! We are hero's till the end of the night!!"

"God you guys are dorks!" Eddie laughs before a ruffing our hairs. "How are you even my girlfriend?" Eddie laughs, as a large red tint fills my cheeks. Girlfriend!

"Girlfriend" I whisper as Eddie looks at me. "I didn't say girlfriend did I? I said friend with feelings right?" Eddie questions looking at Dustin. "You err you did yeah!" Dustin laughs before walking up to Eddie and patting his back.

"We never made it official.." I say awkwardly before Eddie places his hand underneath my chin lifting my face up towards him. "Well let's make it official, will you. Zee, take me to be your boyfriend?" Eddie cooes before bowing down to me. I laugh at his stupid antics. "Yes obviously." I respond before he pulls my face in to kiss him passionately.

"Guys ew let's go that's gross!" Robin shots looking over at us two. We separate and begin walking. I feel his large hand graze against mine. Oh how I want him to hold my hand. Just hold my hand Damn it.

I go to hold his hand, but he quickly speeds up leaving me and Dustin behind. "Hey Steve?" I hear him say. "I'm starting to think he likes Steve more than me!" I laugh to Dustin who nods his head. "Eddie wouldn't kiss Steve though would he?"
Dustin questions smacking my arm and falling into a pit of giggles. "He would" I whisper under my breathe.

"Make him pay!" Eddie states to Steve before we all continue walking again. Eddie now walking beside me and Dustin. We slowly part our ways and begin our long deterioration of the trailers in the trailer park.

I start unscrewing large metal parts from the walls of a random trailer, while Eddie goes inside and rips out the floor boards. Dustin is god-knows where in a random trailer. "Hey Zee come help me with this" Eddie yells before walking out with a large wooden plank.

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