3. Finding eddie

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"Hello!?" Eddie says through the sounds of my phone. "Eddie hey what's up you sound really off what's happened" I ask confused at the late night call. "Something has happened, but whatever it is. I need you to understand that it wasn't me and I don't know what to do." He says his voice shaking down the phone. "Hey hey tell me what's happened!" I ask sitting up and in full concentration mode. "I can't I can't, just please tell me that you believe me!" He whisper shouts down my phone. "Okay okay I believe you" I say in response waiting for him to speak again. But the phone cuts off, leaving the call to be ended.

Ignoring what happened I check my alarm clock, but I'm too tired to ready the numbers in red, and I collapse back in to bed for my meaningful sleep.

I wake up to a phone call, it's max this time. "Hey Zee what's happening with Eddie? There's police cars everywhere outside his house. Mum says that he's up to no good again" she says down the phone. "Erm i don't know I'll come down, he was being weird last night! I'll be right over." I respond getting in the shower and changing my clothes.

I run down to my car and turn the car in ignite. I've not used my car since my adoptive parents died. But max needs me and I'll be there with her.

I make it to the entrance of the trailer park, where I'm stopped by one of the police officers. "Zee what're you doing here" he asks. This was one of the police officers that had helped me for a short while after I did loads of crime and my parents died. "Oh I'm just here to see max and visit their neighbours dog, it hasn't been fed in ages." I respond back to the police officer.

"Okay fine don't be too long though" he says letting my car go through. "Max hey what's up, what even happened." I say walking into her room and finding her sat on her bed with her knees to her chest. "They found a body" she states nonchalant like. "What where and whose body" I ask cautiously. "I think I know who it is but I'm not sure, but They were found at the Munson trailer!" She says looking directly at my green eyes.

"Max I need to tell you something, Eddie called me last night. Very very early in the morning it was very random and I was pretty creeped out. He said that something that happened and it wasn't his fault, He told me that I had to believe him. I told him that I did. And he ended the phone. Whatever is happening is very suspicious, but I believe Eddie. The way he said it, it wasn't fake worthy." I say whispering to the girl as I sit on her bed. "If you believe him, then I do too. We need to find out what's happened." She replies getting up from the bed and dragging me to the phone.

We call Nancy and she picks up immediately. "Hey Nancy is max, we found something that you might like to report on. Would you be able to interview a bunch of people and find out what happened? Me and Zee really need to know." Max says down the phone. " seriously, I've got enough on my sleeve already what's so special about this case?" She asks down the phone.
"Turn the television to Hawkins news" I add down the phone. "Fine" she says as we here the sounds of news reporters.

" I don't think anyone's gonna care about the basketball game anymore" a boy near to Nancy states quietly down the phone. "Okay fine I'll do it" she says quickly down the phone, before she says "would you be up for a field trip" to someone near by. The phone ends and me and max head of to dustins.

"Chrissy Cunningham?" Dustin says as max explains in full detail her recollection of the events. "You're sure it was Chrissy?" He asks again. "Yes, she was in her cheerleading outfit. Same thing she was saying when I saw her with Eddie!" Max responded, this was also my first time hearing Chrissys name. "Did you two tell all this to the cops" dustin asks the both of us. "No of course we didn't dipshit because he didn't do it!" I say looking at Dustin and max. "We don't know that Zee he could have easily done it" max says looking at me sympathetically. "No zee's right, he couldn't have don't it" Dustin adds.

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