6. The truth

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Potentially a longer chapter 3000 words?

After leaving the school, we head to Nancy's. Too look through all the information that we have. Max places herself at a desk. And I stand near her listening to the boys in the back.

"Be honest, do you guys understand any of this?" Steve grumbles looking down at his papers. "No" Lucas resounds gruffly still looking at max and me every so often. "Pretty straight forward" Dustin says clearly annoyed that the pair cannot understand the simple writing.

After tuning the trio out, I look down to max who seems to be writing letters. If she is going to die in the next hours. Why not write letters to those around us. I take some paper for myself and a pen and begin writing.

I decide to write 8 letters.
My first going to max.
If she is to die too. I'll want her to read her letter as quickly as she can. In the end I only want a short and meaningful note to each.

Dear max,
I know that you're scared, and in the end things will turn bad. But don't forget I'm going to be with you by your side the whole time, no matter if you can see me or not. Don't picture what it'll be like when vecna takes you. You'll panic and ruin the time you have with your friends. When you feel it coming. If you feel it coming, please say goodbye to Lucas. He loves you. And when I'm gone... don't stop searching for a cure to the curse. I want you to live.

Dear Dustin,
I understand that life will be hard. Now that I won't be there. And I know that your missing collarbones not a brain. So you'll be fine. Tell your mum I said thank you for letting me stay last summer. I'm really going to miss you. You brightened my day, and I hope all goes well with you in life. Make sure you give Eddie my letter, if I haven't already. I cherish you like a little brother. I love you!

Dear Nancy,
We've been through a lot these past days, and I hoped that, that's brought us closer together. I understand that you didn't like me as much before, but I hope that you can see that im not so bad. Although we weren't the closest of friends... over these last few days, you've felt like family. P.s i was joking last summer when I said me and Steve was dating. We aren't together!

Dear Robin,
Robin bobin, bobin robin. My best friend, hell is really going to be miserable without you. I've always appreciated you for how you made me feel so happy even after my parents died. How you made me feel human again, all because you wanted too, not because anyone asked you too. You're a real good friend Robin. Now stop being insecure and get Vickie... she's gay oh my god!

Dear Lucas,
No matter what me, Mike or Dustin have said this past year, you're bloody amazing at basketball. Good on you for not wanting to be treated like shit. And I know that you are probably in shit with them right now. But I'm glad that you found something that you're really good at. But please don't loose your D&D side. You'll always have a special place in my heart!

Dear steve,
I'm not sure what to write in this letter, you've been my best friend since aged 15 when I moved next door. Since you helped me unpack my room, even if your parents made you. You're so special to me, because you saved me for a total spiral episode. And I love you for that. Please stop going after girls. When Nancy is right in-front of you. I can sense the sexual tension between you too so much even though she's with Johnathon. I know you're going to miss me... and hell am I gonna miss you too. I love you my little taxi driver!

Dear mike,
Hey mike. You're not here right now. So you're probably wondering why you have this letter, well I'm sad to say this but I am unfortunately gone...I don't want to get into details about my death. But I'll gladly thank you for being such a kind hearted soul who took me into your friends. Even when you didn't have too, I'm so very happy that you met El. You two are made for each other. I'm gonna miss you in hell!

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