4. Vecna's curse

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"So Eddie, tell us what happened!" Dustin asks the frightened guy. "I tried to wake her man, but she... she couldn't move. It was like she was in a trance or something." Eddie explained to his best knowledge pondering over the events that had crashed down on him the previous night.
"Or like a spell?" I ask causing Eddie to look up at me. "A curse" he responds. His hands shaking in confusion and fear.

I reach down and engulf his hand in mine i squeeze it to make sure that he knows, he's not alone. "Vecna's curse" Dustin adds causing us all to shiver spooked.

Eddie continues to stare ahead traumatised by the previous night.

I camp out in eddies hide away for the rest of the night. Until light breaks through. I wake up to Eddie pulling the tarp off the exposed boat bin which he slept in. I jolt awake at the intense rustling of noises. Preparing myself to be ambushed when it's only Eddie scurrying away. He pants heavy as he scurry's the windows.

Then he turns to me. "You stayed?" He asks forgetting of my presence. "Yeah of course I did, I couldn't just leave you here" I state standing up and dusting the leaves from my joggers. "Thankyou for believing me runes, when I saw that you were here. I'd never been so happy, someone actually took my word for it and believed me. You could've stayed at home with your parents and forgotten about me, reading pages of a book or taking a bath while listening to music. But you didn't you came after me you spent your day trying to find me." He smiled beaming at his own happiness

It saddened me that he knew little of me. Without telling him about my parents' death or what my life is like at home, I asked him a different simple question. " why do you call me runes?, why do I have a nickname, a nickname you give me a minute you met me?" I question eager to know his true answer.

" I call you runes because you have tattoos, you me and maybe three other people at Hawkins high actually have tattoos, and so I thought it fit." He answered simply and smoothly. "Seeing as we're doing a question game, why did you stay, when everyone went home?" He asks look deep into my green eyes again. " I stayed because I know what it feels like to be alone it's the most painful feeling you can imagine knowing that you won't have anyone with you whatever you do. I don't want others to go through a pain that breaks your soul" I respond emotionless.

" why are you so interested in my tattoos?" I ask staring at the boy as we inch closer to each other, but still quite a distance. " because apparently you have a tattoo that says 'freaks only' on your chest and I was intrigued, also I think it's pretty cool  and pretty fearless.
Anddd what's you're favourite songs. May I ask?" He states continuing the conversation. "I like all sorts of music to be honest but you cannot tell anyone this, but it's highway to hell " I state head down. "Ohhhh so you're a girl with hood taste" he laughs causing me to smack him in the arm. "Yeah... it's just a good song" I say under my breath before laughing.

"What do you think about me?" He asks very confidently, braveness radiating off his words. " I think, you're a hotheaded druggie with a serious addiction to Dungeons & Dragons." I suggest eagerly with a laugh
" no but seriously what do you think?" He asks again a little more nervous.

" I think you're a kindhearted guy who takes young kids under his wing to make them feel appreciated, you're a humorous guy with an amazing personality... And you're pretty hot" I say quieting the last bit.

" wait what was the last bit?" He asks intrigued. " I said and you're pretty tall" I respond nervously hoping he doesn't question me.

Suddenly a loud noise is sounded from outside the house. Eddie pushes me behind him and I grab the oar which Steve once held. Eddie held on to the glass which he also held before. From beside us the door opened revealing: dustin, Robin, Steve and max.

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