Emily and peter

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20 years ago
"Emily Marie Ramona! Hurry up" My mother yells down the stairs. "I'm coming mother, why the rush?" I respond slumping downstairs with my backpack and a water bottle.

"You're going to be late for your first day on the job!" My mother insists as she grabs her keys and rushes to the car. "I'm sure the Hawkins national laboratory won't mind if their Newest employee is 2 minutes late" I groan as we step into the car.

"They won't be very happy if you're late on the first day, it's bad first impressions" she insists as we begin our travels to the laboratory. "I've already set my first impressions it'll be fine!" I assure her as we get to the main road.

"Anyway, your father told me that you weren't even interested in working at Hawkins lab, what was the big turn around. You fancy a coworker?" She chuckles as I open my window and lay my head back with a smile.

"Something like that" I respond watching the trees go by as we slowly arrive at the lab. Little did my mother know, I didn't fancy a coworker. I fancied a test subject, His name was Peter.

I thought I'd give you a little backstory of how zee's parents met. Emily Ramona was a part time scientist at Hawkins lab where she met Peter (001) and 2 years later they had Zee.

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