12. Mother and the specs

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Sorry I was late getting this out I have prom and my birthday out tomorrow and I wanted the next half of the season to come out vaguely straight after this half!~11:23pm

It's my birthday now lol ~12:06pm

We were now 400% sure that we could hear dustin. "Dustin!" Nancy yells trying to catch the attention of the boy by shouting out his name afar, with no specific direction.

Eddie quickly grabbed a curtain and pushed it aside to see if the boy was hiding there. We continuously called out to the boy. "Alright, either this kid can't hear us, or he's being a total douchbag.
"Will found a way!" Nancy states before I cut her off. "What?"

"Will... he found a way to speak to Joyce through the lights, you weren't here Steve you know what I mean right?" Nancy exclaimed as she questioned the boy. To which he nods. Nancy tries to flick on the lamp but fails. "The switch try the switch!" Steve suggests pointing to the socket.

When she flicks to switch the light doesn't go on. Steve blares his torch up towards the lamp and stops in his tracks. "Guys?... you seeing this?" Is asks as we all turn to look at the light which holds glittery magical specs gliding around the light.

Energy glistens around the light drawing us all in. Dustin's voice beams louder. I slowly walk over to the light before reaching my arm out towards the chandelier. The energy specs glisten around me and fill with the colour black with streaks of green. Dark black specs fill the room. They tickle me slightly. The other join in and reach their hands in as well.

The second one of them place their hands towards the light my heart stops. Why did the glittery energy glow orange and pink for the others yet black and green for me. I felt awkward and confused. Luckily everyone else was engulfed in the light specs, and they didn't realise that theirs were different. So I quickly removed my hand.

"It kinda feels good!" Robin laughs as she finally takes her hand back down. Eddie looks down at Robin and smiles, making my feel slightly jealous. I know that Robin is gay but eddie is attracted to girls, what if he likes Robin? I frown quickly as Eddie turns to me. I look the other way jealousy coursing through my veins.

I see... from the corner of my eye, eddies smile drop quickly. "Does anyone know morse code?" Nancy questions causing eddies attention to drop from me to the rest of the group. "Wait does SOS count?" Eddie chimes as Robin looks up at him and smiles. I do not blame Robin for my jealousy... I do not blame Eddie for my jealousy... I blame myself.

Eddie walks up to the lights and begins morse coding his signal, after a short while, we hear dustin slowly say "S........... O..........S......."

He mumbles a few other words before we hear nothing. After a few minutes of waiting we get bored. "Come on" Steve says nonchalantly. We hear dustin tell us to make our way to nancys house.

"Seeing this?" Dustin questions as a light of glistening specs appear infront of me. Nancy waves her hand slowly over the specs and we hear dustin and Erica laughing. "Holy shit!" Erica yells as the pair laugh with excitement.

"We're not moving it, we are gonna unplug it, stand by." Dustins voice echoes through the dark room. "Okay try it now!" He yells as Eddie nudges Nancy to try again. She spells out the word 'hi' which forms on the other side "hi" the group respond laughing in amazement.

We soon learned that it worked. And we all beamed in excitement. Nancy slowly writes the word 'stuck'
"You can't get through watergate?" Dustin questions as Nancy responds again. 'Guarded!" She writes as we hear dustin repeat it back.

"We have a theory that can help with that!" Dustin exclaims. "Genius child!" I exclaim. "We think watergate isn't the only gate!" He bellows before adding, "and there's a gate at every murder site.

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