11. A visit from father

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So this is the final episode in season 4 so we have 2 or 3 chapters leftttt!!! But we only have to wait 5 days until the rest of season 4! So hang tight!

"Oh my god" Robin yells as she stumbles down on top of me and Eddie. Eddie grunts from the impact of the 2 girls falling on him. "I got you, I got you!" He whispers in my ear and I hold on for dear life.

We all begin panting, scared that the ground will swallow us up. The floor stops moving and we all stand up from the ground. A violently loud roar erupts from around us. Other creatures follow on and contribute to the eerie screech.

"So guns seem like a pretty good idea to me!" Eddie chimes as he places his hand on mine protectively. "Yeah me too" i respond frightened by the creature.
Although me and Eddie haven't spoken yet about the whole kiss situation. We sort of came to a mutual agreement. That we had feelings for each other.

"So what are we waiting for?" Steve questions putting a jacket over his back, before flicking on his flash light. We make our way towards the woods again, and begin our long walk through the trees.

"Couldn't we have tried a road or something that's a little less creepy?" I ask frequently looking around and shivering. Eddie snakes his hand around my waist, pulling me in. Comforting me as we travel down the long lasting trees that a covered in blue-black fog.

"I think we're getting close. We're almost out of here don't worry!" Eddie whispers looking down at me before kissing my forehead.

"Eddie... Eddie. Hey, man. Uh..." Steve says as me and Eddie walk behind with Steve. "Listen I just want to say thanks. For saving my ass back there." Steve concludes before Eddie cuts him off. "No dude. You saved you're own ass, man... I mean, that was a real Ozzy move you pulled back there"

"Ozzy?" I question looking up to Eddie as I stare at his deep hazelnut eyes. "Ozzy Osbourne?" Eddie responds looking down at me confused that I didn't know his reference. Me and Steve still have no clue what he's referring too. "Black sabbath?" He questions bewildered that we didn't know.

"Didn't he bite a bats head off onstage?" Steve asks slightly getting his reference. "Yeah that's the whole point." Eddie states as I chuckle at the awkward interaction between the two.

"Hey Steve come here for a second!" Robin yells from the front leaving me and Eddie alone at the back.

We continue walking with his arm wrapped around my waist. He breathes deeply before looking down at me again. Mesmerised by my emerald eyes. "You know what runes, there's something about you that I've never felt before... something new!" He breathes out as he looks forward to the group in front of us.

While we both look forward I add an input to his statement. "I know what you mean..." I simply say as my breathing increases. Why am I so nervous. "You do?" He questions looking at me again. Checking if I'm being truthful.  "My heart stops when I lock eyes with you." I whispers so the others can't hear. A smile creeps onto his face as his eyes flicker from my eyes to my lips.

"What's this thing...between us runes?" Eddie questions before adding. "I've never felt this way for anyone else before, there's a spark in my heart whenever I see your face. Your laugh makes me smile... you have this hard dark demeanour but whenever I see you, your not this scary dark girl... you're a kind hearted person who just needs someone" a single tear drops down from my eye.

He slowly pulls out the letter that I had given to him, The day that I was destined to perish, the envelope torn open. He had read my letter.

"Why didn't you tell me love?" He says before gripping his hands on each of my cheeks. Turning me to face him. "I- didn't want you to think that... I was this screwed up girl with nothing to live for!" I reply fill of emotion.

Runes | Eddie Munson Where stories live. Discover now