5. 18 hours

836 10 1

Me, max,Dustin and Steve make our way to the school. It's pretty late so our flashlights are on. Steve gets a call from Nancy and Robin, although we don't know what it's about, and  we have no time to listen to them because we're in a bit of a hurry. " we don't have time right now" we say down the cerebro.

"Why what are you doing?" Robin exclaims questioning us. " Breaking and entering the school to retrieve confidential extremely personal files." Dustin states as if it should be totally obvious " Get your ass over here and we will explain everything" I proclaim before turning off the Cerebro.

We make it to the school office, where max unlocks the door with the key that she stole from the councillor. "Its like a mini Watergate or something" Dustin proclaims as we all enter the room watching our surroundings. We open up the files in the locker. And find Fred and Chrissy's file. Whilst I'm there, I take my own in order to read it later on. I make sure that the others don't see me. I wouldn't want them to question me.

We find a spare desk and open up Chrissy and Fred's files. Dustin shines the lamp over the text to that we can see clearer. The councillor had written some things on chrissy's file such as 'terrible nightmares, difficulty sleeping, headaches'. We skim search them through before checking Fred's file too.

Fred's file also includes a short list of similar symptoms. 'Suffering from pain, severe headaches, constant nightmares'. Max reads over them looking awfully Pale. I turn around and slowly open my own file from a few months back. I quickly skim over the words until I find a page full of words that haunt me.

'Consistent night terrors, strong headaches, depression'

I look back over to max whose probably thinking the exact same thing as me. If I have the same symptoms as those who are dead. I could be next.
My brain goes into a short flashback.
Of a time when my house had set fire, and my parents died.


"Zee, there's something we have to tell you. It's very important, do you want to sit down." My father says squeezing my shoulder in comfort.

"We've been meaning to tell you this for sometime, and when we tell you, we want you to realise that nothing is going to change. Everything can stay the same, but it's very important for us to tell you. We've been told that for your own safety that you need to know." My mother says also now sitting by my side.

"There's no easy way to say this honey" my mother continues causing me to sadden. What was it that they desperately needed to tell me. What was it that I needed to know. "What's going on?" I ask tears falling from my melancholy eyes.

"Honey when you were a little girl, maybe 3 or 4 a man told us that you needed a place to stay and be raised" my mother replied a single tear dropping from her eye. "What are you saying?" I ask confused and hurt. I stand up from the bed when they don't respond. "Tell me!" I shout at the pair.

"We adopted you" My father says in a whisper holding back his sobs before reaching out to hug me. I hold my arms out flat to push him away. My mind racing with questions and betrayal. These weren't my real parents. These weren't my family.

My dad came to engulf me in a hug when suddenly a ray of sparks flew from nowhere and hit my father crashing him and my mother down into unconsciousness , at first i thought it came from behind me. But no it came from me.

After inspecting my hands... I looked up to see that my fathers fall had caused my candle to topple down, burning my bedroom and my parents with it.

The sounds of their screams echoed in my ears. Their faces as I was dragged away still haunt me to this day.

Their skin melting from their faces as they crawled too me desperate to survive. Their hair burned from their scalp as they desperately try to free them self. I did that to them and I don't even know how.

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