8. The lights

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Pretty long chapter x

While max was in with vecna. Zee had passed out due to hyperventilating and lack of oxygen when passing through. So Steve placed Zee in his car to rest.

After max woke up, she also fell to the ground. Lucas immediately comforted her. Holding her close "it's okay" Lucas exclaims calming her down as she hyperventilates. Her breathing shaking. "What about Zee?" She asks still frightened from the experience.

"She's in the car, max" Steve exclaims as max stands up wobbling. Being held by Lucas for support. Max stumbles to the car to check up on Zee. "She's okay!" Lucas states still holding the ginger girl very closely. "We thought that we lost you both!" Lucas points out hugging the girl closer.

"I'm still here, I'm still here!" Max exclaims as she walks back from the car. "Oh shit" Lucas pants still getting used to the realisation that his two friends were alive. "And Zee, she's still here and alive?" Max asks already knowing the answer but wanting confirmation.

Dustin nods his head in agreement.

After our long day nancy let's me and max crash at her house to get as much rest as possible. Dustin stayed too so that he wouldn't get ambushed by Jason and his group. And with Lucas, he stayed because he wanted too. Steve and Robin stay also to keep a check up.

The whole night Dustin was getting radio'd by Eddie who was worried out of his mind about the 2 girls.

I awoke suddenly and was breathing extremely deep. The rest of them bolted awake as I first awoke from my 'passing out'. I looked around before I spotted a familiar red head half awake next to Lucas. I ran up to her and squeezed her in the tightest hug that I could.

"Thankyou" she sobbed into my chest. "Thank you" I also say heartwarming the conversation. "No seriously if you hadn't have given me the headphones I wouldn't be here right now" she responds still upset but happy as well.

"Guys!" I whisper looking around the group of 5 "where's Nancy and Robin, there's something important I Have to explain!" I proclaim after holding my bruised neck. That was still sore from the lack of ventilation.

"They're upstairs asleep in nance's room, I'll get them" Steve exclaims warily wondering what was so important. The two girls made their ways to us in the basement. "What's going on, what's this thing that you need to tell everyone?" Robin questions looking around wondering if anyone else had a clue, about what it was.

" when I was in there, something happened. Vecna told me things that I still can't comprehend in my brain. I don't know where to start to explain but I need to tell you guys this!" I relay looking at the now group of 6 in-front of me

"Start at the beginning" Steve states looking eagerly at me. Wanting desperately to find out what was going on. I pulled out my wrist revealing that digits '000' the ones almost identical to El's

"What?!" Dustin says looking at my wrist before trying to wipe it off. "You're just like el?" Steve asks also wondering how we never spotted the digits on my wrist.

" while speaking to Vecna, he exclaimed how he was my father. Well more the being that put me into this world. And how he protected me from dying in the fire. And I never understood what really happened the day of the fire, but I started it somehow on accident and I've never had The answers until now. A collection of sparks had flew from my hands when I tried to push my dad away, but I had knocked both my parents unconscious, their fall caused my candle to collapse and start the fire. I always thought I was like El but I just thought it was my mind playing tricks on me. Because of the trauma" I explain but the others are silent, listening to me talk

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