odd [1]

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"C'mon y/n." your friend whined, "Just come, please!"

"I don't want to go" you huffed.

"Please— Iwaizume will be there" she smirked at you.

Maybe it won't hurt stopping by.
I have a free afternoon

"Okay okay, fine" you gave in.

"Ha! I knew that would work." she giggled.

Akira grabbed your arm, dragging you all the way to the gym where the volleyball boys had their everyday practice.

She loved going to their practice matches to watch the one and only Tōru Oikawa. You on the other hand, preferred watching his closest friend, Iwaizume.

You didnt really get the hype about your upperclassman, Oikawa.

Yes; he was fairly attractive looking, but the constant flirting with every girl he lay his eyes upon just irked you in a way.

"I think they're having a practice match against some college team." Akari murmured, walking over to the middle of the balcony, giving the perfect view of the court and the players.

You scanned the gym, finally spotting him.

Iwaizume Hajime.

You've had such a huge crush on the guy since middle school. He was a year older, so you never had much of a chance to speak to him. You only ever really admired from afar.

Akira always bugged you about making the first move, but you thought it'd be pointless. You were younger and he was a heck of a lot more attractive than you.

"Don't make your staring so obvious, you're drooling y/n" Akira playfully shoved you.

"Oh shut up" you shoved back.

Akira has been your best friend since you could remember.

She was also one of Oikawa's many fangirls.

At first you found it funny, seeing her get flustered when the boy did absolutely nothing. Eventually it just became annoying, so you started detesting the third year.

"Oikawa-Senpai!" She screeched out, waving her arms. You saw a handful of the boys look up and simply gaze at your friend, whilst Oikawa gave his classic innocent smile and wave in return.

She basically melted. "Oh get a hold of yourself." you muttered as she freaked out, giggling.


Those girls.

"Mmmm, Iwa-Chan, do you know their names?" Oikawa walked up to the boy, motioning up to where you and Akira stood.

"Hm? Oh, I'm pretty sure they're in the year bellow. Ah— l/n f/n and Sato Akira. They went to junior high with us." Iwaizume informed.

"Oh! Now I remember, how interesting!" He smiled.

"They're just some of your fangirls, get over it, Shittykawa." he sighed.





And there it is
The funniest thing you could see for free.

Iwaizume insulting the shit out of Oikawa.

You found it hilarious for some reason.


The match began and continued for a while, it was interesting to watch from a higher up angle. Seeing how hard they hit the ball was terrifyingly intriguing.

The match came to an end, Seijoh had won, 4-1, and everyone was leaving the gym.

Akira made a run for it, trying to catch up to Oikawa. She planned to gift him a small box of chocolates. You just ran behind her, knowing there was no way in stoping her.

"Oikawa-senpai! Please accept my gift!" She made a halt in front of him, bowing whilst extending the chocolates in front of her.

He glanced at her, being interrupted, then smiled, "Thank you, Akira-Chan". You crossed your arms as Akira basically exploded a shade of red.

Girl hurry up, I want to leave.

You diverted your attention to Iwaizume, he was just staring at Akira, a pretty bland expression displayed on his face. It was the kind of look that just screamed 'tired of this bs'.

You looked back to your friend, only to find Oikawa staring at you, expectantly. "C'mon, Aki, let's go, its late." you called your friend. She let out a goodbye and ran over to you.


What about her?
She didnt seem to have anything for me.
That's a bit odd.

friends | yandere tōru oikawaWhere stories live. Discover now