day 1 [24]

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I kissed her!
And I was her first kiss!
This is perfect.

Tōru giddily kicked his feet under his bed sheets, recalling the earlier nights happenings.

Unknown to him, you did the same at home, completely flustered over your first kiss.

That was... new.

You laid wide awake, only after mentally yelling at yourself to sleep, knowing you'd have to wake up early tomorrow in order to be ready for the tournament, did you finally somewhat manage to drift off.


Morning came and you hurried to get yourself ready, you messaged Tōru as to what you were supposed to wear as the temporary manager for the tournament; he told you coach had some sweats, t-shirt and a team jacket prepared for you, so you wore somthing simple in order to be able to quickly change into your new clothes.

You arrived to the school; being greeted with a small peck on the forehead and quicks "hello"s and "Goodmorning"s by the rest of the team, Iwaizume just gave you an awkward wave.

Tōru whined for you to sit next to him on the bus, but you explained to him that it'd benefit everyone if you sat closer to the coach in order to get briefed about everything you needed to know for the next three days.


You arrived at the gymnasium, everyone around looked super tall and serious, the team was just as serious as the others, the first years looked more nervous than anything though.

You stuck close to the coach, gripping the bag coach had given you, which held a clipboard, papers, first aid, and some other stuff.

Tōru walked up next to you, "why are you tense?" He placed a hand on your lower back, gently.

He was right, you were very tense, nervous, you guessed. Nervous about everything; you didn't want to mess something up and make things more difficult for everyone.

"Am I?" You looked up at him, scrunching your face a bit out of habit, "sorr–"

"Don't be nervous, you're here for support. Manager stuff is simple" he comforted, you smiled.

Why the fuck am I having him reassure me when he's the one about to play against other schools, I'm being stupid.

"Thanks—" you smiled, "are you ready–? To play, I mean."

You two walked along towards gym with the others, "uhm," you panicked, feeling his demeanor slightly change, a hint of a frown on his face. He quickly replaced the expression with a slight smile, "a little nervous."

"Aren't you only playing one team today?"

He shrugged, "yeah, but the nerves are still there y'know?" He chuckled.

You chuckled along, "you'll do great" you grinned, "I believe in you"

He halted to a stop, you stopped too, his eyes were slightly widened and mouth slightly agaped as well.

Tōru gulped down the warm feeling he was feeling before engulfing you in a tight hug, picking you off your feet.

"Thank you y/n-chan" he mumbled into your neck, you hugged him tighter in return.

"Enough of that, love birds" Matsukawa broke the moment, strutting past the two of you, Hanamaki making gagging sounds while letting out little giggles, following behind Matsu.

Tōru put you down as he made a pouty face to the duo, you stood there, flustered. "You're just bitter with your lonely life" he huffed, the three started bickering back and forth.

You still stood there, flustered, though your loss of thinking disappeared when you saw what seemed like Iwaizume approaching you.

He had his usual stone face look, wearing his headphones, hand gripping his bag strap.

He was walking directly towards you, but just simply glanced at you while passing you.

You felt your throat go tight.

You composed yourself and followed a little behind, catching up to Tōru and the other two.

Day one meant Aoba Johsai would play against one team, if they won, they would continue tomorrow against another— if they lost, that was the end. But everyone knew they would make it to the finals day.

The wait to see who they would play against was a bit longer than expected. But the actual match in itself went by swiftly; 2-0.

You cheered for the guys while taking notes, occasionally getting distracted, and irritated, by the amount of girls shamelessly calling out for your boyfriend.

After the match, you all headed home, gleeful, excited for the next day.

This time, you sat next to Tōru, you sat by the window seat, him on the outside seat.

He grabbed your hand and intertwined your fingers together, giving you a timid smile, you smiled as he rubbed small circles on the back of your palm.

Eventually Tōru tried resting his head backwards, but it would constantly slide to the side, kinda leaning on you. And so, you sat up a little taller and rested your head on him, being a little above his shoulder.

He scooted down in his seat and rested his head into yours, it was dark out now, the sun went away pretty quickly, and the stars were bright in the sky. He smiled, feeling you relax next to him as he let out a heavy sigh.

Eventually you two drifted off into a slumber.

i know ppl don't normally read the an's at the end of chapters but I just wanted to apologize for my lack of updating. i have some chapters already ready though, so I'll try not to slack on it too much—i suddenly got some inspo for this story.
thank u !

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