pov 2 [18]

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"Uhm- Iwaizume-kun!" Akira called out from the classroom door, Hajime turned hearing his name being called.

He furrowed his eyebrows before quickly making his way to the girl, "hey," it sounded more like a question.

"I need to speak with you, can you come with me?" She suddenly, timidly, let out. He hesitantly nodded before following behind her.

Iwa was even more confused as she took him to the back of the school, outside, in a little nook that hid the area from the track field.

"Okay" she sighed, "I appreciate the thought and all. And it doesn't surprise me all that much, you know– me over y/n, but it just can't happen. I don't like you like that, so–"

Hajime's eyes suddenly widened as she leaned up, smacking both hands on each side of his face, and leaned in.

He squeezed his eyes shut, almost completely shutting down himself, backing up into the wall, but quickly reacted, placing his hands on her to gently push her away.

Akira pulled back, suddenly embarrassed, and quickly let out, "I hope this helps you get over me" before she sprinted off.

Iwaizume stood there, completely shocked. It took him a solid minute to finally process the whole thing, but it still didn't make sense in his head.

He ran off, back to his classroom.

Akira on the other hand ran off to the girls bathroom and sat there, completely flustered.

I can't believe I did that!
Gosh what the hell was I thinking.

Wait no, Oikawa-senpai will be glad I did this.

She sat there for a little while before heading back to the classroom.

About thirty minutes after Iwaizume had been called into the coaches office did he finally come back, and boy was it awkwardly silent.

All you could hear was the door shutting behind him and his heavy footsteps as he glanced at his teammates then walked over to his bag.

"Woah, woah, where are you going?" Oikawa ran up to him, Iwa was grabbing his bag and school jacket.

"Leaving for the day, talk to you later" he dismissed the boy.

"Wait, wait, what happened?" Tōru asked.

Iwaizume stood there for a bit, staring at the boy before suddenly shaking his head and walking off, "see you Monday"


Practice resumed and soon came to an end.

The whole Iwaizume situation was still a common topic throughout practice, though the younger teammates tried their hardest to keep their conversations on the down low as anytime Tōru even heard the name Iwaizume, he'd dart his head their direction and glare. Sometimes even threatening them with laps.

He found this whole thing funny, and of course he was defending his friend cause he was his friend, but he also found it fun himself.

He caused this whole thing and now he gets to innocently play a role in it.

He put the underclassmen who were constantly speaking about Iwa in charge of more cleaning duties to free himself of those, then he skipped over to his bag and said his goodbye.

"Maki, lock up, will you?" He received a nod in return, tossing him the keys, "clean up well and I'll see you guys Monday, good practice!"

The others assumed Tōru's eagerness to leave was to hurry and speak with Iwa, but really it was because he was finally going to confess to you.

He had everything ready, so why wait?

He skipped like a little kid the whole way to the library. Continuing with his childish actions, Tōru gleamed, smiling, when he finally spotted you sitting towards the back of the library, scribbling on some notebook.

You finally looked up, seeing him waving from afar with his long ass arms, and so you smiled, quickly packing up all your belongings.

"Hurry up, y/n-chan!!" He called out.

"Going, going!" You brushed him off.

You conversed on over what you were studying in the library. He asked what it was, you informed it was some study notes Iwa had given you for chemistry; yeah you guys goofed off during these study seshes, but he did really have the intention to help you out.

You two continued on speaking all the way outside and away from the school.

You weren't actually all that far from the school when Tōru suddenly stopped you, gently grabbing your arm and turning you to face him.

He felt electricity coursing through him at the touch of you.

"Hey, y/n-Chan, can I ask you something?"

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