lack of lunch [12]

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I can't believe y/n l/n was in my house— in my room!

She was here for a while too, we hung out. She laid here, next to my bed and desk, gosh am I dreaming?!

Oikawa sat down on the floor next to where you had been laying down minutes earlier. He gently touched the floor with two fingers. "Wow..." he muttered out.

He was still in shock, the reality of you actually being in his bedroom was finally hitting him and boy was he ecstatic.

He scanned the room, trying to reveal every little place you had touched. He scanned by the bedroom door, then where you sat down next to his study table. And then where you laid on the floor, where he had taken a photo of you.

He was so happy. You were really opening up to him; that joyed him very much.

You fell back into your bed after quickly showering once Oikawa had walked you home. You scrolled through the notifications on your Lock Screen; a ton from Instagram, new followers.

Most were girls from school you recognized in the hallways but there were some guys too, one in particular stood out to you.

Iwajime04 followed you.


You freaked, quick pressing on the notification. You tapped on Iwaizume's account and briefly skimmed through it.

He didn't have any posts but he did have some story highlights and such; which you obviously looked through. One specific highlight was just dedicated to aesthetically pleasing pictures with some song over them, which some you recognized.

Another highlight was one with a couple of volleyball related pics like showing off his medals, a pic of the gym with the volleyball teams guys playing in the background etc.

Though one particularly stood out to you. It was a taken by Oikawa with Iwa at his side. It was basically a mirror pic with Oikawa posing, looking at the camera, while Iwaizume was drying his face with a towel, not looking at the camera.

It was a very simple photo yet a good photo. You kinda raised an eyebrow at the pic before continuing on scrolling through his highlights.

It was interesting seeing them all, as you thought Iwaizume wasn't the type to post much, even if it was just his story, but you came to the conclusion that Oikawa had most likely forced him to post them.

You shut off your phone then looked at the time on the Lock screen.

Almost midnight.
I should go to sleep.

You sighed and put your phone on the bedside table and forced yourself into sleep, which took a while but eventually worked.

About four days had passed since the visit to Tōru's house for math. These past two days Oikawa had been visiting you during lunch in order to help you out with math– the test was this upcoming Monday, so you were taking all the help you could get.

You would thank Oikawa for his help by gifting him small snacks during lunch, like cookies, candy, but most time you just gave him some random juice from the vending machines.

It was now Friday, chilly yet bright outside as Oikawa made his way to the club room, alone. He was running late for some reason; he made his way to your classroom to give you a sort of study guide for you to study with over the weekend for Monday's test.

Man I hope coach doesn't get mad over me being a little late he put a little more speed in every step. Once he made it to the club room he swung the door open and almost fell over a backpack tossed on the floor.


"Careful," Iwaizume grabbed Oikawa by the shoulders to steady him again, catching him before he could fall, "we don't need you messing up your knee again." he chuckled. "I told Kunimi to move his shit yet he never listens"

Oikawa looked up at him, "Thanks Iwa-Chan." He grinned.

"Mhm." Iwaizume continued on getting changed.

It was quiet on the club room as the two finished getting changed. Iwaizume's heavy sigh broke the silence.

"Are you taking care of yourself?" He asked with a harsh tone, but there was a hint of worry to the question.

"What? What do you mean?" Tōru asked, turning to look at the boy.

Iwaizume propped his hands on his waist, "well, we've noticed you haven't been eating lunch anymore. Why's that?"


"Oh," he realized he hadn't once told the others about his lunch hours spent in your classroom. "I have been–

"You haven't been eating with us anymore. Are you ditching lunch to practice– you better not be pushing yourself again Shittykawa, cause we've been over thi–"

"I HAVENT! I swear, I haven't" he frantically waved his hands in front of him, "I've been eating lunch with y/n-chan and Akira-Chan" he suddenly confessed, "I've been helping y/n with math!" He quickly added, seeing Iwaizume's face slightly sadden up. "That's all" he smiled.

"Okay... but your should've told us earlier, stupid!" He smacked the back of his head.

"Ow!" He winced, holding a hand up to his head, "sorry, you're we–" he suddenly silenced himself, Iwaizume looked at him in confusion.

I don't actually want Iwa-Chan to join y/n and I during our lunch, so I shouldn't invite him.

"Nothing," he shook his head with a smile, brushing it off.

Iwaizume gave him a look, "whatever, hurry up" he closed the locker shut and walked over to the door to leave.

"Wait for me!"

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