mall [2]

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"Y/nnnnnnn" Akira dragged your name.

It was 'study time', aka your teacher left to do whatever, leaving you guys to 'study'.

Like hell you were going to study. You didn't really feel like it, so instead you just put your headphones on to pass time.

You could hear Akira calling your name, but you didn't feel like talking so instead you just acted like you couldn't hear her.

"I know you can hear me, dipshit." she yanked your headphones off.

"Hey!" You snatched them back, "What do you want?" You glanced at her, placing the headphones back on.

"I need help, help me with math, please" she whined.

"Ehh," you complained, "what do you need help on?"

"All of this!" She exclaimed, throwing her arms over the sheets of paper you'd been handed for math earlier in the day.

You'd already finished them, "If I give you my papers will you study them too?" you raised an eyebrow, taking out the papers from your bag.

"Yes! Yes I promise!" She snatched the sheets, "Thank you, thank you!"

"Yeah, yeah. No problem." you smiled.

"Also— shouldn't you be working on your chemistry stuff?" she questioned you, finding it odd how you weren't doing anything.

"Akira you know I suck at chemistry, I'm not doing it right now." you sighed.

"Just try—"

Obnoxiously loud squeals erupted in the classroom. "Oikawa-senpai!" Your female classmates yelled.

holly shit im gonna jump out the window, everyone shut up.

You glanced at the classroom door, seeing the slim boys tall figure, you quickly turned to stare out the window, turning the volume up on your headphones, focusing on what seemed to be some first years running outside for gym class.

Like hell you were gonna listen to the squeals and giggles, it all just irritated you.


There she is
She's not even staring at me
Her hair looks really nice today

"Hello Akira-Chan!" He walked up to Aki's desk. "How are you today?"

"Oh— I," she stumbled with her words, "I'm doing okay— just some math!"

This isn't hers
Its y/n's

"Oh really? Do you need help?" He leaned down, positioning his chin on his palm, smiling.

"Ah—" Akira fumbled her hands around, "No, no, oops—" she whacked her pencil off the table. She leaned down to pick it up.

Oikawa grabbed one of the papers—
one of your papers— and quickly folded it in half and shoved it into his uniform jacket.

He honestly wasn't really thinking when he was grabbing the paper. It was like his body moved on its own. Its not like he was planning on coming into the classroom to simply steal something of yours, with your handwriting. He just went to see how you were doing during the school day.

He wanted to see you, for some odd reason. He ignored the thought, and quickly stood to leave the room.

"I have to go Akira-Chan, bye bye!" He rushed out of the room, leaving some girls whining for him to not leave.

You turned to your friend. "What's up with him? You think he actually has a thing for you?" You grinned seeing your flustered friend.

"Shush y/n!"

friends | yandere tōru oikawaWhere stories live. Discover now