couple [19]

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"Y/n-chan, Can I ask you something?"

You nodded, he nodded in return, letting out a huge sigh.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He reached out for your hand, gently squeezing it. You stayed quiet.

Woah woah
Did I misunderstand?
Did I hear wrong?

You stayed quiet for a while, seeing if he'd repeat himself and you could confirm if you had heard wrong. But he didn't repeat, just stared you in the eyes while you tried your best to avoid they eye contact.

"I..... I don't know, Oikawa..." you felt his grip on your hand tighten in the slightest, "doesn't Akira like— like you?"

He forced a smile, "if she liked me, would she have made out with Iwaizume?" You stiffened.

"What?" You stared him straight in the eyes  

"Oh," he stroked your hand with his thumb, giving you a look of concern, "you didn't hear? Some second years saw her this morning with Iwa-Chan. Turns out she's been going at it with him for a while now."


No way.

I don't believe it.

You looked down at the ground, your chest ached. Oikawa figured out the reasons behind your actions. Though there wasn't much he could do.

"So...." He used his left hand to gently squeeze your shoulder, you glanced up at him. "Would you.... Would you like to be my girlfriend?"

I don't know.

Is this right.

He could tell you were racking your brain for a final decision. So he asked, "Do you like me, y/n?"

Do I like him?
Of course I do
I mean, we are friends now, right?

"Yeah, I do" you nodded your head.

"So would you be my girlfriend?" He asked once again.

In which way do I like him?

"Yeah," you cleared your throat, his eyes shined, "I'll be your girlfriend."

He leaned in for a hug, a tight hug. You merely hugged him back, hesitantly resting your head near the crook of his neck.

It was odd, you didn't normally hug Oikawa, but he felt comforting.

"I love you." He stated.


"Love you too."


Afterwards, Tōru walked you home, gleefully holding your hand the whole way there, skipping like a child– you compared.

You could just sense the overwhelming feeling of joy he was feeling at the moment, but you were honestly a bit confused.

You said yes to being his girlfriend, but what does it really mean to be a girlfriend. You weren't all that experienced in the whole relationship thing.

So being girlfriend and boyfriend was really just a label to you, you had no actual idea what the two put together meant.

"Oikawa, we can part here so you don't have to walk too much" you stopped him, he slowed down.

He looked slightly confused, but then suddenly he smiled gently. "I want to walk you all the way to your house, I've honestly never felt comfortable leaving you to walk by yourself" he stated.

You stood there thinking over his sentence before responding with a, "I'll be fine, I promise."

Oikawa pouted, "no, let's go" he childishly 'hmphed' and tugged on your arm, he was still holding your hand, and speedily walked the road to your house.

"Man you're stubborn" you complained, a little laugh escaping towards the end.

"You too!"

Tōru sped right into his house and straight into his room.

He felt as if he was about to explode. 

No way!
Is this real?
Is this actually happening?
Am I dreaming?
Please let me not be dreaming.

He walked over to his mirror and stared at himself before quickly pulling on his arm hair. "Ow!"

He definitely wasn't dreaming, but it sure felt like he was. The boy was on cloud nine. You had said yes!

Even if the yes seemed very hesitant and slightly forced out, it still didn't change the fact that you had said yes.

He couldn't wait to do all those cute couple things like going on dates, taking cute pictures together, hanging out at each other's house and so much more.

He especially couldn't wait to outwardly, and publicly, love you.  He was so excited to shower you with gifts and attention, take all your free time, slowly detacth you from your friends and then your family. To slowly make you his and his only, to selfishly keep you to himself.

He couldn't wait!

friends | yandere tōru oikawaWhere stories live. Discover now