his pov [29]

909 31 2

Should I message her?
I'm so confused
She's being stupid

Akira huffed, shaking her head as she eyed her phone.

It'd been over a week since you last spoke to her. It was Sunday night, she was sure you would reach out to her first with an explanation to your lack of attention towards her, but you haven't. So now she was contemplating on messaging you or giving you tomorrow to see if you'd hopefully reach out in person.

Maybe I'll message Oikawa, he could have an explanation.
Wait, I don't have his number—

Akira got the bright idea to message him through Instagram. But to her surprise, she couldn't find his account.

She was blocked.

She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

What the hell?!
Is my phone acting up?

Let me try Iwaizume.


Iwaizume felt his phone buzz next to his head.

He lazily reached over to pick it up, the blue light from the phone caused him to squint his eyes a bit, making out the notification.

akiraSatoo<3 : wants to send you a message

The fuck?

He furrowed his eyebrows, unplugging his phone from its charger and holding it above his head to see it better, he was laying down on his bed.

akiraSatoo<3: Hey Iwaizume, do you know what's up with y/n?

He sat up in bed.

Iwajime04: wdym

Well she's been avoiding me and you haven't gone out with her in a while

she's dating Oikawa now,
why would i go out with her while they are together
and i don't know why she's avoiding you

Ur good
Thanks though

Iwaizume sighed staring at the screen. He was so disheartened and confused with everything.

The Friday of the Akira situation he was left completely frustrated and disgusted with himself. He felt like an idiot.

For starters, he was confused as hell when Akira called him out of class only to smooch him and then run off. Then when making it to practice, hoping to ignore the problem for the few hours he had to play volleyball, he found the whole team knew about the situation, and had video evidence.

That left him feeling very embarrassed, even violated in a way. When he got called into the coaches office, he felt even more ashamed having the coach pull up the video himself and question him on it.

"It's normal for you to be interested in girls, especially at your age, but be careful what you do out in public, Hajime. Things like this can affect you and your career in the future, and you have a bright future ahead of you" he recalled coach telling him.

He knew coach meant well, but not even allowing him to explain the situation and how he didn't know what the hell happened or how that even happened left him feeling exhasperating.

Coach dismissed him for the day, telling him to go home; practicing with a distracted mind will do him no good.

Going back to school the next Monday didn't do Iwaizume any good either. Fortunately for him, a whole weekend went by in between the school days of the situation, allowing it to die down by itself. But Hajime still got dirty looks in the halls by girls and some douchebag boys hyping him up for 'playing two girls', when that was not the case at all.

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