not here [38]

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With fluttering eyes, your surroundings finally became clear again. You spotted Tōru sitting at your feet, one arm resting on your legs, the other propped up as he repeatedly bit his thumb nail.

You jolted up right, causing Tōru to flinch.

"Why didn't you wake me?" You whined, rubbing your eyes rapidly. He finally stopped his earlier action.

"Because they aren't here yet."

"How long has it been?"

"About an hour."

You sighed, "aw man."

It was quiet after that. Suddenly Tōru stood up, "I'm going to use the restroom." You muttered an "okay."

You sat unmoving, basically still half asleep.

The living room area was small, you noticed, it had a decent sized tv and the couch was comfy as hell. It was a grey-ish color, topped with Toru's phone on the arm rest.

Oikawa's phone!

You reached over to grab it, wanting to check the time; the windows were almost pitch black.

As you picked it up, it was screen down, you saw it to be unlocked.


You were going to quickly put it back down; snooping through his phone wasn't something you'd ever done nor thought of doing, so why would you now? But before you could, you spotted his message app and wanted to check what Iwa had told the boy.

Clicking on it, you pressed on his chats with Iwa, he was five people down; you were the most recent, second was his mom, third was Matsukawa and fourth was Hanamaki. To your surprise, there was no recent chats with Iwaizume.

His last text to Hajime was actually about a month ago, a simple "back off." In which Iwaizume didn't reply to, only left him on seen.

You furrowed your eyebrows.

He hasn't even been texting Iwa?

You quickly swiped off the chat and scrolled through them to find Akira, she was a bit more down, already confirming to you that he hadn't messaged her either.

What the hell?

You rushed over to his phone call app, looking at his recents, Iwaizume's most recent call with him was over two months ago.


You swiped back to the message app right as he exited the bathroom. Your furrowed eyebrows caught him by surprise, he then spotted his phone in your hands, his face dropped.

"You never even messaged Iwaizume, Tōru. How do you even know they were on their way?" There was a hint of accusation behind each word, though you tried to refrain from being angry; you were more confused.

"What do you mean?" He spoke, feigning his confusion.

You glanced back at the phone screen and then at him again. "You haven't even messaged either of them in months"

Tōru paused, just gazing at you, you slightly shivered. "What?" He suddenly smiled teasingly, "I messaged him through snap, obviously" he calmly walked over to the couch, still standing.

"Oh" your furrowed eyebrows furrowed even more as you understood what he was saying. Though your face soon dropped.

"Anyways, why were you looking through my phone? Do you not trust me or something?"

You paused, unable to think straight. "What—? No, I was checking the time and—"

"And your finger suddenly slipped and you ended up scrolling through all of my messages, huh?" Now his voice was full of acausation.

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