cafe [4]

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"Go, go!" Akira ushered you, "C'mon just go!" She shoved you out of the classroom doors.

"Can't you take it to him?!" You shoved the jacket towards the girl, desperate.

"No! He gave it to you, it's only right for you to return it back!" she crossed her arms.

"I swear I hate you so much Aki," you gave up, scratching at your ear.

She grinned, shoving you towards the classroom door, "go!"

You sighed,

Whatever, just do it y/n
Class five, class five, class fi—
Okay here I go—

You spotted him sitting in the second seat, first row by the window, his back to the door. He had his jacket off, only wearing the normal traditional white button up, which was rolled up from the sleeves, and his tie, next to him sat whom you recognized to be Matsukawa and Hanamaki, two other third years.

As you approached the small group, Iwaizume slightly fidgeted in his seat, sitting straight to continue his conversation with Matsukawa. Only then did you spot the other third year, Oikawa.

He was laughing, when Iwaizume moved a bit, it put you straight into view, he gazed at you with a small, inviting, smile.

He spoke as you finally made it to the table, your hands behind your back as you nervously gripped his volleyball jacket.

"Hi y/n, what brings you here?" him speaking caught the other three's attention, they all perked their heads up and towards you, surprised by the sudden intrusion.

"Sorry to interrupt your lunch," you bowed, "I was just here to return Iwaizume-kun's jacket..." you nervously outstretched your arms, jacket in hand, towards the boy.

His face lit up some, "Ermpj, don't worry about it," he spoke through a mouthful of rice, careful to not open his mouth too much, fearing he'd accidenlty let out some food.

He kinda shooed away at the food, dismissing the 'interrupting' while standing up off his chair.

He smiled at you, "thanks," he lightly patted your head.

You swear your head almost exploded, "No, I should be thanking you, thank you!" Thanking him for the jacket made him just grin even wider, he found your obvious flustered self adorable.

"Don't worry about i–

"Okay, well I'll get going now," mentally yelling at yourself for interrupting him, you backed away and motioned to the classroom door.

Before completely making your way out, he called out once again, "wait— hey y/n," he met you by the doors, "would you like to go out for something to eat today— after practice?" He anxiously messed with his hands, looking at his shoes.

"Reall– yeah, sure" you smiled, throwing yourself back into reality. "But I have a lot of homework and such so a quick bi–"

"We can go to a cafe," he suggested, "I can help you out if you need any, or I could just work on some stuff too while we eat"

You paused for a bit, then slowly giving in, nodding your head yes with a smile, "sounds good"

"Okay, please wait for me till after practice" he bowed.

"Of course" you smiled, finally exiting the classroom.

Iwaizume gleefully walked back to his seat, all giddy. Hanamaki spoke up, grinning, "and who is she?"

"Is that your girlfriend?!" Matsukawa exclaimed, dumbstruck that he hadn't really heard nor seen the girl before.

"No– y/n, the girl we went out to eat with the other day. She's really sweet, I wanna get to know her better" he timidly smiled. That timid smile soon turned to one of fright as Oikawa leaned over the desk to stab the boys eye with a chopstick.

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