kiss [23]

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Even though you had told him to go home and rest, Tōru followed not far behind you as you ran some 'errands' for your mother.

Yes he definitely should've just gone home and slept early, but he couldn't bear the idea of you walking around at night where there could be creeps, or the idea of you getting lost, or even the idea of you sneakily meeting with Hajime.

All those and many more things ran through his head.

But you obviously proved him wrong; you walked straight to a late night super market, bought some fruits and veggies, then quickly left.

That's all you were going to do and all you did.

Oikawa sighed out of relief; you weren't sneaking around with Iwaizume.

He still walked some meters behind you till you made it home, there he stood for a bit before making his way back to his house.

He plopped himself on his bed, exhausted.

I should sleep now, the tournament is the day after tomorrow and I have to win. I promised myself I'd beat T—

Oikawa surprised himself.

He had completely forgotten about his stupid little goal of destroying his underclassmen Kageyama in an actual, official, volleyball match.

I guess I've been so busy with y/n that I forgot about Tobio-Chan.

Oikawa giggled, imagining himself beating Kageyama with you there, watching, then seeing Kageyama's dumbfounded face seeing you in person. He was very much looking forward to it.

You somewhat knew Kageyama, he was in the grade bellow in middle school, you were nice to him your second year since he was new, you also found out what had happened between him and Oikawa, so you kinda pitied him. He was awkward and made it difficult for others to try and get to know him.

Yet you somewhat managed to, though in the middle of your first year in high school, you guys sort of lost contact.

Oikawa only knew you guys had a small friendship in the past thanks to you occasionally attending their volleyball games in middle school, on Kageyama's suggestion.

But Tōru wasn't all that worried about you and Tobio, really he just felt proud that he is the one that has you, not Iwaizume nor Kageyama; he does.

It was the next day, Oikawa swore to himself that he would focus only on volleyball and you today. Tomorrow was day one of the tournament and he wasn't going to waste this days practice.

You walked to school together, meeting at your streets intersection, he greeted you with a big hug and a small peck on the forehead. You were pretty flustered but just went along with it, saying a good morning and making small talk.

"Ready for tomorrow?" You glanced up at him, holding onto your backpack straps.

He looked down at you, "I think so."

"You'll do great"

He stopped walking, you, startled, stopped too and turned to look at him. He had his eyes opened, gazing at you.

Finally, he let out a timid smile, "thank you."

You nodded, smiling back.

You two continued walking to school peacefully.

It hadn't actually hit how much you didn't associate with people starting this week.

After the whole Akira and Iwa situation, you hadn't really talked to her at all.

friends | yandere tōru oikawaWhere stories live. Discover now