block [31]

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You sighed glancing around his room.

Obviously you said yes to going over— hell you were thankful to the gods for him having even reached out first.

But when you made it his house he welcomed you in with a quick hug and let you know his parents weren't home, in order to see if that was okay with you. You obviously said you didn't mind.

He already had music playing from a CD player in the corner of his room, you couldn't recognize the artist but it was some sort of alternative jazz.

He asked you how your day was, but you could tell his heart wasn't in the conversation whatsoever.

You replied with brief, straight to the point, answers.

Eventually he excused himself to the restroom and you pulled out your phone and scrolled away.

"Y/n, what are you looking at?" He looked over your shoulder as you were sat on his futon, head resting on your palm, arm propped on the table. "You seem rather entertained."

You jumped a little at the sudden presence, you hadn't even noticed when he had made it back.

"Sorry, just some old chats" you got off the app you were on and turned off your phone, setting your screen down on the table, looking up at him before back down.

He suddenly snatched it off the table. You looked up at him confused, "unlock it." He shoved it in your face, "please" he added with a small smile.

You hesitantly moved to do so, reaching up to grab the phone, but his hand didn't budge; he still tightly gripped it. You brought your hand down as it unlocked, that let him know it was ready to be inspected.

Something felt wrong.

As soon as he got the freedom to see your phone, you could see his eyes darting all over, looking through anything and everything.

Oikawa got the bright idea to swipe up to see the apps you were previously on. The last one was Snapchat; you were looking through your old messages with Iwaizume.

It's not like you were messaging him or anything; you hadn't spoken since Monday.

You were mostly reading through the old chats to try and see how stupid you were to had let yourself get the wrong idea with him.

But you knew deep down you were looking through the chats because you missed the deep, prolonged conversations you held with him.

"What's up with this?" He looked down at you, he was still standing next to you, his hand propped on his waist.


He harshly shoved the phone in front of your face. "This." You saw the messages.

"Oh....uhm," you were caught off guard.

" 'uhm'— uhm what y/n? Why were you on your old messages with Iwaizume," he mocked you. "I thought I told you to block him on everything?" He didn't sound completely pissed, but there was a hint of irritation in his voice.

"What– no you didn't?" You shook your head, "you never once told me–"

"Well do so." He spat, you sat there eyes wide, confused as hell, so he continued. "Or what?— don't tell me you're talking to him again" he suddenly threatened, you were heavily taken aback.

Your facial expressions spoke words as you made your way to stand up. "No, stay sitting" he ordered.

You widened your eyes in shock, "no."


"No," You stood up, "why are you acting like this Oikawa. You never told me to block Iwa, and no, I haven't been texting him. The hell is your problem? And even if I was, why is it any of your business."

Now his eyes widened in shock, "first of all; I told you to call me Tōru. And secondly, you're my girlfriend. That's why it's my business." He towered over you, now clearly pissed.

"Whatever— even if I am your girlfriend, that doesn't mean you can invade my privacy."

"Privacy?" He laughed, "why should you have any privacy if you're just gonna be talking to some guy behind my back?"

"What? Are you trying to say you think I'm cheating on you?" He shrugged, irritated. "Don't just shrug it off– and that 'some guy' you're talking about is your best friend. Don't forget that, Oik—"

He suddenly shoved you, you lost your balance and fell to the floor onto your butt. "Ow—"

"Damn it, stop calling me Oikawa." He spat, "and I know you went to see him on Monday, so stop trying to act all innocent. I want you to fucking block him on snap," he threw the phone at you.

You audibly gasped when the phone hit you, it had hit the hard part on your forearm, hard. He kind shoved you to the side with his leg, making you topple over to the floor, you stayed in that position.

He sat on the floor next to where you still laid, in shock, he reached over to some volleyball magazine that was tossed nearby and placed it on the desk and got to skimming through it.

Only when he heard your rapid breathing did he finally look over to you; your eyes were watering.

You weren't sure if you were in shock, extremely upset, or just cold as your hands trembled while reaching for your phone, sitting up. That's when Tōru felt bad. He sighed and flipped the magazine closed.

Almost as quickly as he flipped the pages shut, were you already up and heading towards his bedroom door.

"I'm leaving." You didn't even turn to him.

He sprung up on his feet, "wait, wait y/n." He placed a hand above your head on the door to stop you from opening it. With his other hand, he held it in front of you so to stop you. "I'm sorry, please."

You finally turned to him, giving him a blank look, hand still on the doorknob trying to jiggle it open. "Please," he frowned.

"You hit me." You finally let go of the doorknob.

"I– I know and I'm sorry y/n, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have done that, my intention wasn't to hit you with it." He put his hands on each of your shoulders, sliding them down to squeeze your arms.

"But you still did oi– Tōru. You still did it" your face scrunched up as you fought back a frown.

"I'll make it up to you, it won't happen again. I'm sorry, please, you know I'd never hurt you on purpose. I love you."

Your eyes widened hearing the words, his eyes widened as well, realizing what he said; it wasn't the first time he'd said 'I love you', but it sure as hell caught you both off guard whenever the other did.

You paused, a little flustered as his face suddenly turned pink. "It's..... it's okay. I love you too." You muttered out. "And I didn't go see Iwaizume on Monday for any other reason other than he wanted to apologize, that was it I swear."

Tōru had a blank look on his face which slowly turned into a smile as he let go of your arms to grab each side of your head to plant a kiss on your forehead.

"Hey, hey!" You pushed him away, completely flustered now, he giggled.

You sighed.

friends | yandere tōru oikawaWhere stories live. Discover now